Search results for "Mindful Medicine"
A physician copes with chronic pain
A diagnosis of breast cancer leads to chronic pain that has lingered for 6 years. A physician learns a lesson in adaptation, resilience and moving on. Humility and hope are keys.
1 Nov 2013
Reflections from a physician who faced his mortality
A physician who developed severe heartburn recalls his thinking as he reflects on his own progressively severe symptoms and increasingly worrisome differential diagnosis.
1 May 2013
Framing risks, benefits perilous for physicians and patients
A new column debuts, outlining how physicians can properly frame risks and benefits of treatments so patients can make the best medical decisions for themselves. In this column, risk calculators are explained so the “number needed to treat” isn't so murky to a woman considering statins.
1 Jan 2012
Thinking about our thinking as physicians
Cognitive errors have been the bane of making the right diagnosis, and the final installment of the Mindful Medicine column reviews the previous three years of traps and pitfalls that physicians must account for when presented with patients who aren't getting any better, often despite multiple encounters in the health care system.
1 Oct 2011
Priming to diagnose an atypical case, avoid representativeness
A patient's deteriorating mental health status points to an underlying cause. But it takes “priming” for an endocrinologist to look for the right diagnosis despite the lack of a prototype case.
1 Jul 2011
Attribution error results from a positive stereotype
A 58-year-old man with type 1 diabetes at age 38, a case of latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood, reports worsening control of his blood sugars despite increasing doses of insulin. An internist must sort through the facts of the case to find out what's responsible.
1 May 2011
When you look, but don't see the diagnosis
Gradual yet significant change in a woman's appearance, first noticed by a daughter she hadn't seen for a year, leads to the diagnosis of a common yet frequently missed ailment. Why hadn't those who'd seen the woman daily noticed anything? Intuitive vs. deliberative thought processes made all the difference.
1 Jan 2011
When patients don't tell all: The diagnostic challenge
Patients don't always disclose aspects of their history that may be shameful or stigmatizing, posing a challenge of attribution errors for physicians.
1 Oct 2010
Attribution error confounds a diagnosis after colon cancer
A rapid deterioration in mental status confounds a gastroenterologist following a patient for colon cancer. Following a hospital admission, the internal medicine resident reviews the patient's history for the clue to the right diagnosis.
1 Jul 2010
Seeing the whole diagnostic picture
For a year, one patient saw specialist after specialist and received a different diagnosis each time. Like the story of the blind men and the elephant, specialists often see the patient through only one component of training, as anchoring and availability sneak into their thinking.
1 Apr 2010
What to do when one expects everything to fit, but it doesn't
James Hennessey, FACP, reports on a young woman's elevated testosterone level, and how he made a diagnosis even though the lab results and imaging conflicted. Our diagnostic experts consider confirmation bias and how this internist sidestepped being misled.
1 Jan 2010
Uncertain diagnosis for pain leads doctor to dig further
A 66-year-old woman presents with abdominal pain radiating to her back, and CT scans show multiple lesions worrisome for metastatic disease. But when the pain resolves and the lesions don't change, one internist reconsiders the diagnosis.
1 Nov 2009
Unmasking the patient's hidden agenda
Something about a response of â€ï¿½so-so' triggers Ian Gilson, FACP, to delve further into how a patient is feeling—and a potentially suicidal hidden agenda.
1 Sep 2009
Start at the top to get to the bottom of a diagnosis
ACP Member C. Christopher Smith reconsiders a patient's self-reported diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome to uncover the true cause of his symptoms.
1 Jul 2009
It's just old age—or is it? Don't be guided by stereotypes
Would you make the same diagnosis in a 50-year-old patient that you would in an 80-year-old? This and a vague history led one internist to press for a better answer to a patient's anemia and SED rate.
1 May 2009
Meld intuition with deliberation to sidestep diagnostic trap
Would you pass “the eyeball test” if the patient in this case study presented in your hospital's emergency room? Find out how one physician pressed for a better answer on a patient who presented with cardiac pain but no evidence of a heart attack.
1 Mar 2009
Mindful medicine: Perils of diagnosing the physician-patient
A physician diagnoses himself, leaving a colleague to undo some of the mistaken thinking and come up with a simple diagnosis.
1 Jan 2009
Anchoring errors ensue when diagnoses get lost in translation
In two cases, a patient's use of key words led to anchoring errors in diagnosing an abdominal aortic aneurism and a classic case of intermittent claudication.
1 Nov 2008
Mindful Medicine: Don't let emotion impede right diagnosis
A case study shows how affective errors can lead to a missed diagnosis, by Jerome Groopman, FACP and Pamela Hartzband, FACP.
1 Sep 2008
Mindful Medicine: Don't confuse correlation with causation
The case of a young woman mistakenly diagnosed with asthma llustrates the danger of confusing correlation and causation.
1 Jul 2008