Search results for "Medical Education"

Results 1 - 20 of about 48 for "Medical Education".
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Restoring trust after rough times in residency

The pandemic made many medical trainees less trustful and engaged. A program director talks about how to win them back.
1 Jan 2025

How to handle uncertainty

Studies have yet to tease out how physicians' tolerance of uncertainty affects their behavior and decision making, and even their sense of burnout.
1 Feb 2023

Residents reimagine antiracism curriculum

Residents interested in diversity, equity, and inclusion are taking matters into their own hands, creating new training initiatives about the subject as a formal part of their medical school curriculum.
1 Jul 2021

Educators, are you ready for your close-up?

Eight tips can ease the switch to online education.
1 Oct 2020

Matched, sorted: Tips to transition from student to resident

A few pearls can smooth the way when transitioning from medical school to residency.
1 Apr 2020

ACP Advance Physician-Led Coaching Service showcased in Nov. 6 webinar

The 30-minute webinar will provide an overview of the new coaching service, as well as how the program can help participants achieve needs and quality goals.
29 Oct 2019

Patient Priorities Care curriculum considers older patients' care goals

This approach can reduce unwanted and unhelpful treatment and may improve outcomes.
29 Oct 2019

Latest Core IM podcast episode features “Casablanca Strategy” of diagnosis

The Casablanca Strategy involves reflexively ordering a stereotyped battery of lab tests, and even experienced physicians use it in real-world practice.
22 Oct 2019

New online collection of point-of-care ultrasound modules available

The new modules are free to ACP members, offer CME, and cover topics including lung ultrasound, deep venous thrombosis, and cardiac imaging.
8 Oct 2019

Register now for “Point of Care Ultrasound: Foundational Skills for Internists”

The College will offer a two-day course on point-of-care ultrasound, including hands-on experience with live models and simulators, twice this November.
27 Aug 2019

Learn history of medicine, earn CME/MOC with the Bedside Rounds podcast

Bedside Rounds is hosted by Adam Rodman, MD, FACP, and has tackled topics such as the connection between smoking and lung cancer, the mysterious demise of Spain's bloodless King Charles II, and Florence Nightingale and the power of reason and statistical thinking.
13 Aug 2019

Identify ischemic risks in stroke, TIA patients in latest Curbsiders podcast

Chris Favilla, MD, a stroke neurologist at the University of Pennsylvania, walks listeners through the inner workings of the brain.
6 Aug 2019

ACP partners with Core IM podcast to provide continuing education to ACP members

The podcast features four categories of episodes with topics ranging from knowledge translation and clinical reasoning to critical thinking and humanities.
16 Jul 2019

New Curbsiders podcast episode: Strategies for teaching in the hospital

The Curbsiders, a podcast hosted by internists focusing on internal medicine-related topics, offers CME credit and MOC points to ACP members.
9 Jul 2019

ACP partners with Core IM podcast to offer CME-accredited podcast series

The first in the series, “Coronary CTA: 5 Pearls,” will be available July 10 on the ACP podcast landing page.
25 Jun 2019

New Curbsiders podcast episodes: Telehealth, hip pain, and anaphylaxis

The Curbsiders, a podcast hosted by internists focusing on internal medicine-related topics, offers CME credit and MOC points to ACP members.
4 Jun 2019

New Curbsiders podcast episode: Complexities of rheumatoid arthritis

ACP President Robert M. McLean, MD, FACP, is featured on the latest episode of The Curbsiders, a podcast hosted by internists focusing on internal medicine-related topics that offers CME credit and MOC points to ACP members.
23 Apr 2019

Internal medicine interns spend only 13% of workday on direct patient care

A study found that an average of 66% of interns' days were spent on indirect patient care (mostly charting and documentation), showing that “internal medicine is now indeed a trade practiced before a computer screen,” an editorial said.
23 Apr 2019

Addressing unexpected loss during medical residency

Following the death of a trainee, one training director developed a framework to help others cope, including gathering resources, breaking the news, talking with the deceased's family, and handling memorial services, among other topics.
1 Mar 2019

Managing money for medical school

Medical students can expect to pay a median four-year bill of $250,222 for public and $330,180 for private education.
1 Feb 2019

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