Search results for "Public policy"

Results 1 - 10 of about 223 for "Public policy".
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ACP offers ways to support equity for LGBTQ+ health care

ACP is gravely concerned about political interference in the practice of medicine for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other sexual or gender minority (LGBTQ+) populations.
25 Jun 2024


The College notes the passing of Munsey S. Wheby, MD, MACP, and Paul F. Griner, MD, MACP.
1 Sep 2024

Making the rounds in the halls of Congress

Hundreds of ACP member physicians advocated for internal medicine at the annual Leadership Day.
1 Sep 2024

Help ACP give back to internal medicine physicians this Giving Tuesday

Through the ACP Impact Campaign, the College will elevate the collective voice of internal medicine, improve health outcomes, advance health equity, and inspire the next generation of internal medicine physicians.
28 Nov 2023

Health policy 'valentines' from ACP

ACP actively worked to improve the lives of members and their patients in 2023 by addressing several key issues, such as reducing administrative burdens and calling for Medicare to be able to negotiate prescription drug prices.
1 Feb 2024

ACP position paper offers recommendations to improve care for unhoused people

The recommendations range from funding programs to address immediate health care needs to improving access to affordable housing and providing medical education about these issues.
27 Feb 2024

Keep current on the changing medicolegal landscape

An expert offers an overview of the changing medicolegal landscape and how physicians can navigate it.
1 May 2024

Proposed 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule includes wins, concerns

While many of the schedule's provisions could help to strengthen primary care and support equity and innovation, congressional action is needed to prevent payment cuts and preserve access to telehealth, ACP says.
16 Jul 2024

Persevere along the trail of your advocacy journey

ACP members took to the Capitol for Leadership Day to address reducing administrative burden, compensating physicians for the value of care they provide, and supporting programs that strengthen the physician workforce.
1 Jul 2024

ACP weighs in on Supreme Court rulings

The College issued statements in response to recent court decisions on reproductive health care, misinformation, and firearms.
9 Jul 2024

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