Search results for "Gastroenterology"

Results 1 - 10 of about 191 for "Gastroenterology".
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I.M. Matters from ACP provides news and information for internal medicine physicians about the practice of medicine and reports on the policies, products, and activities of ACP.

Profits before patients: Private equity and commodification

Health care system consolidation and market- and profit-driven motivation have become at odds with the realities of health care, where market forces do not perfectly align with the product line.
1 Jul 2024

MKSAP Quiz: Follow-up on blood tests

A 45-year-old woman is evaluated at follow-up for abnormal alkaline phosphatase levels on three previous blood tests. She has mild pruritus. She has no family history of liver disease. Following a physical exam and other tests, what is the most appropriate diagnostic test to perform next?
7 May 2024

Making strides to stamp out HCV

While there's a goal of eliminating viral hepatitis globally by 2030, reports indicate a disproportionately high rate of infection and death in the United States among medically underserved populations.
1 May 2024

MKSAP Quiz: 4-week history of blood per rectum

A 26-year-old woman is evaluated for a 4-week history of intermittent bright red blood per rectum and the feeling of incomplete evacuation. She has loose and blood-streaked bowel movements four or five times daily. Following a physical exam, lab studies, and colonoscopy, what is the most appropriate treatment?
14 Nov 2023

Swallowing gone wrong in EoE

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is uncommon but also underdiagnosed: Patients may not seek care for their symptoms, and physicians may not be aware of the condition.
1 Sep 2023

MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation for intestinal metaplasia

A 40-year-old woman is evaluated for intestinal metaplasia found on recent upper endoscopy to assess postprandial pain. No ulcers were visualized but generalized erythema and irregular mucosal pattern was noted. Following biopsy specimens, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
30 Jan 2024

6-food elimination diet may work for more than half of patients with eosinophilic esophagitis

Removing milk, wheat, soy, eggs, tree nuts/peanuts, and fish/shellfish from one's diet and then gradually reintroducing these food categories identified a single food trigger for 69% of participating patients with eosinophilic esophagitis, a retrospective study found.
23 Aug 2022

Improving celiac disease diagnosis

Celiac disease should be part of the differential diagnosis for several classic clinical presentations, but atypical symptoms, including constipation, can cause doctors to overlook some patients.
1 Feb 2023

ACG updates, reaffirms guidelines on evaluation, management of patients with celiac disease

The diagnostic approach to celiac disease in adults using serological and histologic data remains unchanged from the American College of Gastroenterology's (ACG) 2013 clinical guidelines.
17 Jan 2023

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