Search results for "Professional identity"

Results 1 - 10 of about 14 for "Professional identity".
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Spotlight on internal medicine physician leaders

A new ACP feature spotlighting internal medicine physician leaders in a variety of roles and settings helps underscore internal medicine's value.
9 Apr 2024

Health policy 'valentines' from ACP

ACP actively worked to improve the lives of members and their patients in 2023 by addressing several key issues, such as reducing administrative burdens and calling for Medicare to be able to negotiate prescription drug prices.
1 Feb 2024

Celebrate internal medicine with ACP's Proud to be an I.M. Physician resources

The College's resources to help internal medicine physicians celebrate and spread the word about their profession include downloadable posters and email signatures, videos of ACP members, and more.
19 Mar 2024

ACP launches identity campaign celebrating depth, diversity of internal medicine physicians

The multiyear campaign will emphasize that internal medicine physicians are experts in complexity and brilliant connectors for our patients and health care systems, among other assets.
23 Aug 2022

Inclusivity that never dies: The future of ACP

ACP's President recaps his tenure as he discusses the College's efforts at diversity, equity, and inclusion.
1 Apr 2022

ACP's identity campaign features internal medicine physicians impacting global health

The College's multiyear identity brand campaign is underscoring the vital role of internal medicine physicians and the value they bring to health care.
12 Mar 2024

ACP's identity campaign highlights internal medicine physicians in different settings

ACP's members are involved in clinical and nonclinical roles, including in government, research, education, and administration.
6 Feb 2024

Leadership, Leadership Day, and ‘purple’ as a guide

ACP's Chief Advocacy Officer issues a challenge to members of the College to be more “purple” in their outlook in order to achieve goals as a team, even when they disagree.
1 Jul 2023

ACP's identity campaign features internal medicine physicians impacting medical education

As part of ACP's multiyear campaign to educate about the breadth, depth, and diversity of the internal medicine profession, a comprehensive webpage offers content showing how ACP's members impact medical education.
2 Jan 2024

ACP's identity campaign features internal medicine physicians impacting patient care

The College's multiyear identity brand campaign is underscoring the vital role of internal medicine physicians and the value they bring to health care.
28 Nov 2023

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