Search results for "Practical Genomics"

Results 1 - 20 of about 29 for "Practical Genomics".
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Determining actionability of genetic findings in clinical practice

Just as radiology screenings can return results of incidentalomas, genetic scans can also return inadvertent findings. But some guidance can be taken from criteria developed in 1968 for adopting any screening test.
1 Jul 2012

Genetic tests are being used more, and they're worth it

Molecular diagnostics tests could cost Americans $15 billion to $25 billion by the end of the next decade. Physicians believe the tests are warranted, although they're skeptical about costs and their ability to interpret them properly for patients.
1 May 2012

Microscopic genes affected by macroeconomic events

Genes may express themselves differently, depending upon their environment. So, economic disparities and differences in access to health care could impact a person's health. In an era of personalized care, technology, biology and business intersect in novel ways.
1 Mar 2012

Cancer's cure may be found by using the right diagnostic tree

Advances in the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of cancer, rooted in knowledge of the genetic derangements underpinning each tumor type, leads to the question of whether clinicians should classify cancers by their tissue of origin, or their mutation of origin. Which diagnostic tree is the better example?.
1 Sep 2011

Don't look now, but you are surrounded

Skin, teeth and guts. Microbes live on or in each, and a new interest exists in how to manipulate the human microbiome to benefit human health.
1 Jun 2011

Blueprint reveals clinical slant to upcoming genomics research

The 10th anniversary of the publication of the entire sequenced human genome is celebrated with another publication, this time of clinical applications for the research. Not only can diseases be treated, but better drugs and streamlined clinical trials may result.
1 Apr 2011

Can the electronic medical record contain an entire genome?

Genetic records create data by the petabyte. That's a number with 15 zeros trailing along. That's 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes. That's a lot of data for primary care physicians to manage as genetic tests become more common.
1 Feb 2011

Expectations exceed understanding in unraveling the genome

Genomic advances have come at a tremendous pace, yet frustration exists that the benefits are not available today. Members of the medical community debate where to focus resources to balance long-term goals against pressing needs.
1 Sep 2010

Court case questions patentability of human genomic structure

The human genome is not only known, but owned, to a certain extent. The effect is a chill on medical research, impaired diagnostic testing and companies unwilling to risk research ##amp; development funds for projects with no payoff.
1 Jun 2010

Genomics will aid primary care, with primary care's help

Genomics expert W. Gregory Feero, MD, PhD, interviews Eric Green, MD, PhD, the new director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, about the changing interface between genomics and medicine.
1 Apr 2010

Filling in the GAPPs will strengthen evidence-based medicine

Little data supports the use of genomic testing for subjects such as warfarin dosing. Paradoxically, that lack of evidence leaves open the potential for the misuse of direct-to-consumer genomics tests for fun, or for their premature adoption by clinicians.
1 Feb 2010

Alzheimer's, genomics and the personal utility of testing

As many as one in 10 doctors get asked for “the blood testâ€ï¿½ for Alzheimer's risk. A flurry of research will further drive patient interest, but also cause rethinking of clinical guidelines that discourage such testing.
1 Nov 2009

Asthma genetics paving the way for new approaches to care

Asthma is the most common chronic disease in children in the United States today, with prevalence and severity of the disease escalating over the past 20 years. It's a disease in which genetic and environmental factors combine in ways that are still poorly understood. Genomics, molecular biology and immunology are changing the way physicians think about the condition.
1 Oct 2009

Creating a blueprint for genomic medical training

Genomics education should be integrated into existing paradigms for teaching about health and disease, because the intersection of the patient-centered medical home and genomics requires primary care physicians and specialists with advanced genetics training as necessary links to effective care delivery.
1 Sep 2009

Genomics impacts everyday practices in unexpected ways

The hospitalization of a relative sets a leader in genomic research musing about how far medical practice has advanced in treating a common condition, and how far cutting-edge advances could go.
1 Jul 2009

New tool makes it easy to add crucial family history to EHRs

Electronic medical records are slowly pushing out the family history, eliminating valuable diagnostic information. But a free tool offers an easy way to restore important details to a clinician's files.
1 May 2009

Unraveling autism's many causes, spread across the genome

Despite the 90% heritability of autism, suggesting a very strong genetic component to its etiology, zeroing in on the genetic underpinnings of this disorder has been very challenging.
1 Apr 2009

Tumors' shared pathways may hold key to cancer cures

The tremendous diversity of genetic alterations in cancer samples leads a governmental senior advisor to look for shared pathways among all tumors for a possible cure.
1 Mar 2009

Predicting heart disease with markers is risky undertaking

Genome-wide association studies have identified at least 22 new genetic markers for CHD risk. The current debate around the value of CRP for CHD risk assessment could be considered a warm-up for things to come.
1 Feb 2009

Simple family history acts as a genetic test for skin cancer

Melanoma rate shave been rising, and while genetic tests are available for high-risk patients, a family history is a better way to identify patients who need potentially life-saving surveillance.
1 Nov 2008

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