Search results for "Gastroenterology"

Results 1 - 20 of about 30 for "Gastroenterology".
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Addressing abdominal pain's many causes

A session at ACG 2024 covered diagnoses similar to IBS that clinicians should keep on their differential and outlined the role of neuromodulators in treating disorders of the gut-brain interaction.
1 Jan 2025

Improving celiac disease diagnosis

Celiac disease should be part of the differential diagnosis for several classic clinical presentations, but atypical symptoms, including constipation, can cause doctors to overlook some patients.
1 Feb 2023

Continuing anti-TNF therapy in pregnancy appears beneficial for patients with IBD

A French target trial emulation, which refers to the use of observational data to mimic a randomized controlled trial, found that maternal relapse of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and premature births were less common when patients continued anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) therapy after 24 weeks of pregnancy than when the drugs were discontinued.
27 Sep 2022

6-food elimination diet may work for more than half of patients with eosinophilic esophagitis

Removing milk, wheat, soy, eggs, tree nuts/peanuts, and fish/shellfish from one's diet and then gradually reintroducing these food categories identified a single food trigger for 69% of participating patients with eosinophilic esophagitis, a retrospective study found.
23 Aug 2022

Be on alert for CRC in younger patients

Medical groups are coming to consensus about expanded screening guidelines for colorectal cancer that lower the age to begin screening.
1 Sep 2021

Debates tackle clinical relevance of GI disorders

The conditions of ineffective esophageal motility and eosinophilic esophagitis underwent debate between experts about their clinical significance and best management practices.
1 Jul 2021

Beyond PPIs for persistent GERD

Consider whether the patient has gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) that isn't responding to proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) or GERD symptoms without an objective GERD diagnosis.
1 Feb 2021

Regular use of PPIs linked to increased risk of type 2 diabetes

In an analysis of the Nurses' Health and Health Professionals studies, regular users of proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) had a 24% higher risk of diabetes than nonusers, with longer duration of use associated with greater risk.
6 Oct 2020

Guidelines update management of eosinophilic esophagitis

Recommendations from the American Gastroenterological Association and the Joint Task Force for Allergy-Immunology Practice Parameters cover use of proton-pump inhibitors, steroids, diets, and endoscopic dilation.
5 May 2020

Guidelines update management of eosinophilic esophagitis

Recommendations from the American Gastroenterological Association and the Joint Task Force for Allergy-Immunology Practice Parameters cover use of proton-pump inhibitors, steroids, diets, and endoscopic dilation.
4 May 2020

AGA releases guidelines on managing gastric intestinal metaplasia found during routine endoscopy

The guidelines from the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) will aid clinicians' decision making for patients undergoing upper endoscopy in North America, the authors said.
17 Dec 2019

Functional gut disorders become clearer as models emerge

One major finding is that irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia are connected.
1 Jan 2019

A defense of proton-pump inhibitors

Data on their risks may seem persuasive, but one expert is not convinced.
1 Jan 2019

Pinpointing pancreatitis difficult, but key to good outcomes

Several review papers help internists identify patients with pancreatitis who are most likely to progress to severe disease and how to best manage their care.
1 Feb 2018

Long-term PPIs after H. pylori triple therapy associated with doubled stomach cancer risk

An observational study drew no firm conclusions about cause and effect, and proton-pump inhibitors are still generally considered safe.
7 Nov 2017

Abdominal wall pain as its own diagnosis

Internists can diagnose chronic abdominal wall pain with a simple physical exam and some savvy history taking, experts said, and reassure patients that their condition is not serious and may respond to treatment.
1 Sep 2017

Use of PPIs associated with higher risk of death than use of H2 blockers

Study results should not deter prescription and use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) where medically indicated, but rather emphasize the need to be judicious about use of PPIs and duration of therapy, the authors said.
11 Jul 2017

After splenectomy, clots join infection as potential risks

Fewer splenectomies are being done, but thromboembolic disease afterward is now more recognized and therefore being diagnosed more frequently.
1 Apr 2017

Electroacupuncture may safely relieve chronic severe functional constipation, sham-controlled trial finds

Patients undergoing electroacupuncture experienced a change from baseline in mean complete spontaneous bowel movements per week during the treatment period, and treatment effects were even greater after patients stopped attending the sessions.
13 Sep 2016

Standard triple therapy may no longer be best for H. pylori eradication treatment

Standard triple treatment may be losing effectiveness in most areas of the world due to increasing resistance to clarithromycin and metronidazole.
25 Aug 2015

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