Search results for "Practice Management"

Results 141 - 150 of about 195 for "Practice Management".
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Officer and Regent election results announced

Election results include the Chair-elect, Board of Regents, two new regents and the Chair-elect Designee, Board of Governors.
1 Mar 2011

Nominees named for College Officer, Treasurer and Regents

The Governance Committee of the American College of Physicians placed in nomination candidates for leadership positions.
1 Nov 2012

Making patient portals patient-friendly

Patient portals can create barriers to successful use but can also offer benefits to patients. Three simple steps can improve the patient experience.
1 Apr 2015

Look before leaping into a large health system

Many physicians are leaving private practice and turning to large health systems to give them breathing room to care for their patients and restore work-life balance. But before making the leap, physicians should ensure that the move is the best one.
1 May 2013

Getting patient consent for chronic care management

Medicare now reimburses internists for chronic care management services, but a few criteria need to be met. Learn more about how to recoup payment for services that many physicians are already providing.
1 Feb 2015

Taking the mystery out of care coordination management

Care coordination isn't new, but value-based payment, patient-centered medical homes, accountable care organizations, and other alternate delivery and payment programs have moved the topic into the forefront of many conversations and policy discussions.
1 May 2015

Complete version 5010 before starting ICD-10

Offices must convert to a new electronic standard format, called version 5010, befor they can implement ICD-10 in their offices. End-to-end testing must be complete by the end of the year.
1 Mar 2011

Hepatitis C diagnosis, treatment changing rapidly

This issue covers topics including management of hepatitis and the effect of new direct-pay practice models on primary care practice.
1 Jan 2015

Business experts urge small-practice doctors to take action

Speakers at a recent Business of Medicine Summit had some grim predictions and urgent alerts for attendees: “Start preparing for that storm that's partly on the coast but not here yet.”.
1 May 2013

Check finances, costs before consolidation

Financially stressed private practices are seeking shelter through acquisition by a hospital chain. But owners need to scrutinize their costs and expenses before entering into negotiations.
1 Jun 2012

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