Search results for "Opioids"

Results 141 - 150 of about 340 for "Opioids".
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Reproductive-age women widely prescribed opioid medications

Opioid-containing medications are widely prescribed among reproductive-age women with either private insurance or Medicaid, with approximately one-fourth of privately insured and more than one-third of Medicaid-enrolled women filling a prescription for an opioid each year from 2008 to 2012.
3 Feb 2015

Calls to poison control centers for gabapentin, baclofen increased in recent years

The increase in exposures to and misuse of these medications in the U.S. may represent an unintended consequence of recent reductions in opioid prescribing for pain management, study authors said.
10 Dec 2019

Physicians might control long-term opioid use through initial prescribing habits, study says

Researchers concluded that the probability of long-term opioid use can be minimized by starting with a single prescription of a short-acting opioid, with no refills, and a cumulative dose less than 120 morphine milligram equivalents.
9 Aug 2016

Video HEALTH TiPS on opioid pain medications available

Video HEALTH TiPS on opioid pain medications available
24 Aug 2010

Education program for prescribing opioids now available

ACP and its curriculum partner Pri-Med have launched “SAFE Opioid Prescribing,” an online training program to educate clinicians about safety and efficacy when prescribing opioids.
23 Jul 2013

ACP receives grant on safety when prescribing opioids

ACP and its curriculum partner, Pri-Med, have been awarded an educational grant from a company to develop and implement a training program that educates clinicians about safety and efficacy when prescribing opioids.
12 Mar 2013

Free resources available to ACP members for prescribing opioid medications

The National Institute on Drug Abuse offers free educational programs and resources on the prescribing of opioid medications for health care professionals.
25 Oct 2011

Major elective surgery usually doesn't lead to long-term opioid use

About 3% of previously opioid-naive patients continued to use opioids for more than 90 days after major elective surgery, a study found.
25 Feb 2014

Higher doses of prescribed opioids associated with increased overdose risk

Higher doses of prescribed opioids associated with increased overdose risk
26 Jan 2010

Opioids implicated in the majority of pharmaceutical overdose deaths

Opioids are a major contributor to drug overdose deaths, either when taken alone or in combination with other drugs, a new research letter said.
26 Feb 2013

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