Search results for "Opioids"

Results 311 - 320 of about 337 for "Opioids".
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Integrate palliative care from early illness onward

The medical community has made progress in palliative care, moving it from the end of the line to a part of a terminal illness' earliest aspect of care.
1 Jun 2011

Big data offers information, but as yet few answers

This issue also covers prescribing for opioid addiction, conference coverage from the American Society of Clinical Oncology, and an urban primary care residency at Johns Hopkins University.
1 Sep 2018

Project ECHO expands the reach of primary care

To improve local care of hepatitis, Project ECHO uses videoconferencing and case-based learning to connect front-line primary care physicians with skilled and knowledgeable specialists.
1 Sep 2011

Treatment guidelines offered for painful diabetic neuropathy

New expert guidelines on treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy have evaluated the evidence base and identified some recommended medications.
19 Apr 2011

Making sense of movement disorders

From uncontrollable urges to move to a struggle to make even basic gestures, movement disorders cover a wide range of problems.
1 Jun 2013

‘PharManure’ and some drugs to hate the most

Drugs that made this doctor's least-most-wanted list, presented at Internal Medicine 2012, included those that increase costs without improving care, or that raise the risk of antibiotic resistance.
1 Jun 2012

ACP policy paper calls for tighter management of prescription drugs

The American College of Physicians recommended 10 clinical and administrative changes that will make it harder for prescription drugs, such as those prescribed for pain, sleep disorders and weight loss, to be abused or diverted for sale on the street.
10 Dec 2013

More recalls, information on impurity found in ARBs

This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
1 Jan 2019

Improving health of patients, practice environment

ACP's advocacy goals address improving payments to internists' services, reducing administrative tasks imposed on them, blocking insurance mergers, streamlining Medicare's Quality Payment Program, and much more.
1 Mar 2018

What would a happy health care New Year look like?

There are five ways that lawmakers, Republicans and Democrats alike, and President Trump can work together on real solutions to the real problems in the American health care system.
1 Jan 2018

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