Officers and Regents election results announced
The election of Officers and Regents has been completed.
The election of Officers and Regents has been completed. Terms become effective at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting at Internal Medicine Meeting 2015 in Boston. If you have any questions regarding the election, please contact Florence Moore.
2015-2016 Chair-elect, Board of Regents
Thomas G. Tape, MD, FACP, Omaha, Neb.

Medical school: Washington University Medical School, 1981.
Residency: Internal medicine, Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester, N.Y., 1981-1984.
Fellowship: General internal medicine, Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., 1984-1986.
Certification: National Board of Medical Examiners, 1982; American Board of Internal Medicine, 1986, participating in maintenance of certification.
Present positions: Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine, and vice-chair for clinical affairs, department of internal medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center; medical director, primary care clinic program for Nebraska Medicine.
Current patient care activities: 25% (predominantly in a primary care medical home setting with some inpatient attending at Nebraska Medicine).
Current activities in administration, research, and teaching: Administration, 50%; research, 10%; teaching, 15%.
ACP activities: Governor-elect, Nebraska Chapter, 2007-2008; Governor, Nebraska Chapter, 2008-2012; Vice-chair, Medical Service Committee, 2009-2011; Financial Policy and Audit Committee, 2011-2013 (Vice chair, 2011-2012); Governance Policy Committee, 2011-2012; Chair-elect, Board of Governors, 2011-2012; Chair, Board of Governors, 2012-2013; Executive Committee, Board of Governors, 2011-2013; Executive Committee, Board of Regents, 2011-2013; Regent, 2013-2015; Chair, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2013-2015; President, ACP Services, Inc., 2013-2014; High Value Task Force, 2013-present; Chair, Role of Councils Task Force, 2014; Chair, Task Force on Graduate Medical Education and Workforce Issues, 2015.
New Regents elected with a term to expire in 2017
Jacqueline W. Fincher, MD, MACP, Thomson, Ga.

Medical school: Medical College of Georgia, 1985.
Residency: Internal medicine, Medical College of Georgia, 1986-1988.
Certification: American Board of Internal Medicine, September 1988, participating in maintenance of certification.
Present position: Managing partner, McDuffie Medical Associates.
Current patient care activities: 95% direct patient care in private practice in ambulatory office and nursing home settings.
Current activities in administration, research, and teaching: 5% practice administration and speaking at medical schools and residency programs.
ACP activities: ACP Annual Scientific Sessions 1995, 1999-2003, 2005-2006, 2008-2014; Fellowship, 1998; Leadership Day, 2002-2014; Project Manager, “Information Rx,” ACP Foundation/National Library of Medicine joint project, 2003-2004; Georgia Chapter Chairman, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2003-2011; Leader of Georgia Chapter State advocacy day 2003-present; Marketing and Communications Committee, 2004-2009; Top 10 Key Contact Awards, 2005, 2007, 2009; Center for Practice Innovation practice innovation grant, 2006-2007; Georgia Chapter Laureate Award, 2007; ACP Foundation, Health and Literacy Committee, 2007-2008; National Key Contact Award, 2008; Governor-elect, Georgia Chapter, 2010-2011; Health and Public Policy Committee, 2010-2014; Mastership, 2011; Governor, Georgia Chapter, 2011-2015; Georgia Chapter Excellence Award, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015; ACP PAC Distinguished Service Award, presented by ACP Services, 2012; Evergreen Award, 2013; Medical Practice and Quality Committee, 2014-2015; Medical Informatics Committee, 2014-2015.
Heather E. Gantzer, MD, FACP, Minneapolis, Minn.

Medical school: Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Mo., 1985.
Residency: Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, 1985-1988; chief resident in internal medicine, 1988-1989.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1988; recertified, 2008; participating in maintenance of certification.
Present position: General internist, Park Nicollet Clinic, office and hospital practice.
Current patient care activities: 100% (20% as a night-time hospitalist and 80% in the clinic).
ACP activities: ACP representative to the Minnesota Medical Association Interspecialty Council, 1996-1999; Governor-elect, Minnesota Chapter, 2010-2011; Governor, Minnesota Chapter, 2011-2015; Chapters Subcommittee, 2012-2013; Executive Committee of the Board of Governors, 2013-present.
Mark A. Levine, MD, FACP, Shelburne, Vt.

Medical school: University of Rochester School of Medicine, Rochester, N.Y., 1979.
Residency: Medical Center Hospital of Vermont, 1979-1982 (chief medical resident, 1982-1983).
Fellowship: Faculty Development Fellowship Program in General Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C., 1988-1990.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1982.
Present positions: Professor of Medicine, Vice Chair for Education, Department of Medicine; Designated Institutional Official Fletcher Allen Health Care and Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education, UVM College of Medicine.
Current patient care activities: Outpatient general internal medicine, 30%.
Current activities in administration, research, and teaching: administration 55%, teaching 15%.
ACP activities: Governor Elect, Vermont Chapter, 2006-2007; Governor, Vermont Chapter and Member of Board of Governors 2007-2011; Member, Executive Committee of Board of Governors, 2010-2011; Member, Recruitment and Retention Task Force, 2010-2011; Member, Chapters Subcommittee 2010-2011; Member, Working Group for Collaboration Between Academic Alliance for IM (AAIM) and the American College of Physicians, 2010-2011; member (3 times) and Chair (once) Board of Governors Resolutions Reference Committees, 2007-2011; Member, ACP Nominating Committee and Chair, Governor's Subcommittee on Nominations, 2007-2009; Councilor, Vermont Chapter, 2002-present; Chair, Vermont Chapter Membership Committee, 2013-present; Chair, Vermont Chapter Nomination Committee, 2013-present; Treasurer, Vermont Chapter, 2011-present; Invited participant/speaker (representing ACP) Advances in Public Health and Primary Care Integration through Policy, Practice, and Partnership, Sponsored by CDC, NACCHO, and the de Beaumont Foundation, April 2013; Member, ACP Education and Publication Committee, 2014-present; Graduate Medical Education Task Force, 2014-present.
Previously elected Officers and Regents
In addition to the 2015-2016 Chair-elect and new Regents, the President-elect and Incumbent Regents have also been elected.
Incumbent Regent
Darilyn V. Moyer, MD, FACP, Lafayette Hill, Pa.

Medical school: Temple University School of Medicine, 1985.
Residency: Temple University Hospital, 1985-1988 (chief resident, 1988-1989).
Fellowship: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, infectious diseases, 1990-1992.
Certification: American Board of Internal Medicine, infectious diseases, 1992-present, American Board of Internal Medicine, 1988-present.
Present positions: Assistant dean for graduate medical education, Temple University School of Medicine, 2008-present; executive vice-chair for education, department of medicine, Temple University Hospital and School of Medicine, 2006-present; residency program director, internal medicine residency training program, Temple University Hospital, 2005-present.
Current patient activities: outpatient and inpatient internal medicine.
Current activities: 35% direct clinical care, 35% teaching, 30% administration.
ACP activities: Governor-elect, Southeastern Pennsylvania Region, 2009-2010; Education Committee, 2010-2012; Governor, Southeastern Pennsylvania Region, 2010-2014; Chair-elect, Chapters Subcommittee, 2010-2011; Chair, Chapters Subcommittee, 2011-2013; Executive Committee of the Board of Governors, 2011-present; Chair-elect designee, Board of Governors, 2012-2013; Chair-elect, Board of Governors, 2013-2014; Board of Regents, 2013-present; Chair, Board of Governors, 2014-present.
The profiles of the following individuals appeared previously in the November/December 2014 ACP Internist.
2015-2016 President-elect
Nitin S. Damle, MD, MS, FACP, Wakefield, R.I.
Incumbent Regents
Jack Ende, MD, MACP, Philadelphia.
Ana Maria López, MD, MPH, FACP, Tucson, Ariz.
Robert M. McLean, MD, FACP, New Haven, Conn.