September 2012

‘Unlearning’ how to prescribe antibiotics
Health care leaders have spent endless hours trying to break a habit that's been surprisingly intractable: prescribing antibiotics when they're not warranted.
Hormone therapy stirs debate 10 years after WHI
The Women's Health Initiative dramatically decreased hormone therapy for menopause, but 10 years later, the “knee-jerk” reaction has become more nuanced in how the regimen can be used.
Teaching diabetes self-management ‘basic survival skills'
Diabetes self-management education is cost-efficient and can improve A1c levels “far greater” than the effect required to approve a new drug for the disease. Smartphones, health coaches and educators are part of the new paradigm to help patients.
Complexity of ‘migraineurs' challenges diagnosis, treatment
Migraines are a seemingly simple complaint for patients, but a diagnostic challenge for internists, who have to sort through the symptoms and potential causes. Sometimes, the treatment regimens are just as complex as the condition itself.
Weight-loss drug and at-home HIV test approved
This regulatory update covers approval of lorcaserin HCl for chronic weight management, as well as a new at-home mouth swab test for HIV 1 and 2.
Stories of real patients reinforce the values of medicine
Three patients' stories remind a physician why he chose to become a doctor, and of the rewards and responsibilities that accompany that.
‘Rights, privileges and responsibilities appertaining thereto’
An internal medicine resident reflects on his recent graduation, a cross-country move and the new responsibilities he now carries.
States' stances on health reform reflect political, moral choices
Now that health care reform is established at a national level, the battle moves to the states that choose to accept or reject establishment of health care exchanges and federal funding for Medicaid.
Letters to the Editor
ACP members take the organization to task for its positions on modifying reimbursement to doctors, and the organization's legislative leader offers a wider viewpoint on the issue in response.
Changing antibiotic prescribing not a one-step process
It's hard for a physician to ‘unlearn’ everything about prescribing antibiotics, but doctors are taking the new lessons to heart in order to stave off antibiotic resistance.
ICD-10 is still on the way, and readiness remains key
Although the transition to ICD-10 is 15 months away, physicians planning for the conversion should have already passed important milestones. Here's how to ensure a smooth conversion.
Tools to screen for alcohol abuse
Medicare now reimburses for problem drinking as part of its Annual Wellness Visit, and a few easy-to-follow tips can help doctors screen for alcohol abuse and get paid for doing so.
MKSAP Quiz: Mildly pruritic eruption on a woman's right nipple
A 55-year-old woman is seen in follow-up for a mildly pruritic eruption on and surrounding her right nipple, which developed about 5 months ago. She has no family history of eczema or psoriasis, and she is otherwise healthy. What is the most likely diagnosis?.
Board of Governors announces Chair-elect candidates
Two nominees seek election for the Board of Governors, with results of an online vote to be announced mid-October.
Gottlieb Friesinger II, MD, MACP, a noted cardiologist and former ACP governor, died on July 28, 2012, at the age of 83.