Update your registration on National Voter Registration Day

ACP has developed a Voter Registration and Equitable Access to Elections Toolkit and partnered with Vot-ER to offer members a free voter registration badge.

Recognizing the strong connection between health and civic participation, ACP participates in National Voter Registration Day on Sept. 17, a nonpartisan initiative that has registered over 5 million voters since 2012.

The College encourages all members to make sure their voter registration is up to date for the upcoming election and to vote, whether from home or in person. To support this effort, ACP has developed a Voter Registration and Equitable Access to Elections Toolkit . The College has also partnered with Vot-ER, a nonprofit organization working to integrate civic engagement into health care, to offer members a free voter registration badge. This badge allows internal medicine physicians and patients to easily check and update their voter registration.

ACP Members can also access digital materials to help their patients register to vote and verify their own voter registration.