In the News

Task force issues draft osteoporosis screening recommendations, calls for public comment

Task force issues draft osteoporosis screening recommendations, calls for public comment

Glucosamine ineffective for low back pain

Glucosamine ineffective for low back pain

MKSAP Quiz: Managing COPD

MKSAP Quiz: Managing COPD

PSA screening halves cancer mortality

PSA screening halves cancer mortality

Cancer diagnoses often given quickly, impersonally

Cancer diagnoses often given quickly, impersonally

Email improved care for diabetics

Email improved care for diabetics

CMS delays enforcement deadline for new enrollment system

CMS delays enforcement deadline for new enrollment system

URAC seeks comments on new Patient Centered Health Care Home toolkits

URAC seeks comments on new Patient Centered Health Care Home toolkits

College Master awarded National Research for Women and Families honor

College Master awarded National Research for Women and Families honor

Put words in our mouth

ACP InternistWeekly wants readers to create captions for this cartoon and help choose the winner. Pen the winning caption and win a $50 gift certificate good toward any ACP product, program or service.