CMS delays enforcement deadline for new enrollment system

CMS delays enforcement deadline for new enrollment system

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will not automatically reject claims submitted by clinicians related to the failure of individuals to enroll in the Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) by July 6. CMS requires all clinicians to enroll in the PECOS system by that deadline and had previously indicated that claims submitted by a clinician for services order by or referred from a non-PECOS-enrolled clinician could be rejected.

The intent is to make sure that those ordering and referring services are legitimate by having updated enrollment information on file with CMS. The requirement to be enrolled in the new system will technically be in effect; however, clinicians should not see any change in the processing of submitted claims. The Affordable Care Act passed earlier this year requires CMS to take prompt action to ensure that clinicians who order or refer are included in the new enrollment system. It was designed to prevent fraud by ensuring that only eligible clinicians and suppliers can order or perform services for Medicare beneficiaries.

To see if you have an enrollment record with PECOS, and if the information in it is up-to-date, please visit the website. |Home|Home|Home&version=default