In the News
Preventive aspirin reasonable for diabetics at high risk, not low
Preventive aspirin reasonable for diabetics at high risk, not low
Education effort increased thiazide use
Education effort increased thiazide use
MKSAP Quiz: lower-extremity pain and 'red knots'
MKSAP Quiz: lower-extremity pain and 'red knots'
Beta-blockers may have benefit in COPD patients
Beta-blockers may have benefit in COPD patients
Route of HRT administration may affect stroke risk
Route of HRT administration may affect stroke risk
PPIs get warning on fracture risk
PPIs get warning on fracture riskLiver injuries found in patients on orlistat
Liver injuries found in patients on orlistat
Liver injuries found in patients on orlistat
The next issue of ACP Internist is online
The next issue of ACP Internist is online and coming to your mailbox
Suggest a colleague as a Top Hospitalist
Suggest a colleague as a Top Hospitalist
Annals editor leads council of science editors
Annals editor leads council of science editors
ACP awards and Masterships nominations due July 1
ACP awards and Masterships nominations due July 1
Recruit-a-Colleague has a winner
Recruit-a-Colleague has a winner
And the winner is …
ACP InternistWeekly has tallied the voting from its latest cartoon contest, where readers are invited to match wits against their peers to provide the most original and amusing caption.