The next issue of ACP Internist is online

The next issue of ACP Internist is online and coming to your mailbox

The June issue of ACP Internist features the following articles:


Internal Medicine 2010 coverage: Pearls aid treatment of opioid dependence

An expert reviews the benefits of agonist treatments over "going cold turkey," how to foil abuse of oral medications, and the best way to nail inpatient diagnoses.

More conference coverage: Hospital medicine meeting offers advice for all internists

In addition to complete coverage of the American College of Physicians' Internal Medicine meeting, readers can find coverage from the Society of Hospital Medicine's annual meeting, including a digest of palliative care, consulting as a career and infectious disease control.

Practice Rx: DEA to ease burden, allow e-prescribing for controlled substances

The Drug Enforcement Administration has released an interim final rule allowing doctors to transmit prescriptions for controlled substances electronically. ACP's practice management staff members outline how physicians can begin the process.