Search results for "Telemedicine"

Results 1 - 10 of about 118 for "Telemedicine".
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New ACP paper calls for appropriate, meaningful performance measures to evaluate telemedicine

The position paper recommends that any performance measure used to evaluate telemedicine visits should adhere to the same criteria as in-person visits.
16 May 2023

Telemedicine's time has arrived

As the need for remote health care expands, medical educators and residents continue to refine the best ways to teach and learn telemedicine.
1 Sep 2022

Telemedicine appears effective for recurrent benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

In a South Korean trial of patients with previous cases of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, 72.4% of those randomized to a web-based diagnostic questionnaire and a video explaining the canalith repositioning maneuver reported vertigo resolution.
24 Jan 2023

Internal medicine's role in abortion care

Primary care internal medicine physicians explained to Internal Medicine Meeting 2024 attendees how they can help patients understand their options with an unintended pregnancy.
1 Jul 2024

Telemedicine 201, ACP's new free webinar series, debuts Sept. 28

The hour-long “Video Visits: Beyond Simple Cases” episode will help internists expand their understanding of and skills at treating medically complex patients through video visits.
14 Sep 2021

Lessons learned from telemedicine

Although many internists may have felt inexperienced with telemedicine before the pandemic, they could well have been doing it all along.
1 Oct 2020

ACP hosts webinar Dec. 9 on telemedicine for chronic disease management

The free, one-hour webinar will teach internists how to choose appropriate patients and a suitable platform to optimize remote monitoring as part of chronic disease management.
23 Nov 2021

HHS provides weekly online learning opportunity in telemedicine

The peer-to-peer learning community aims to accelerate telemedicine implementation by ambulatory clinicians.
4 Aug 2020

Keep current on the changing medicolegal landscape

An expert offers an overview of the changing medicolegal landscape and how physicians can navigate it.
1 May 2024

Checklist offers ways to improve communication during telemedicine visits with older patients

First and most important, clinicians must assume that older patients have at least mild hearing loss, according to the checklist, which was developed by physicians from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
11 Aug 2020

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