Search results for "Lipid Management"

Results 1 - 9 of about 9 for "Lipid Management".

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Statins underused in patients with cardiovascular disease, study finds

Women, older adults, and those with peripheral artery disease and cerebrovascular disease are particularly likely not to receive statins, according to an industry-funded analysis of lipid-lowering therapy use.
8 Aug 2023

Take a team approach to coronary disease

A major update to a cardiology guideline puts team-based, patient-centered care at the forefront of management and highlights the role of healthy diet and exercise habits in reducing cardiovascular risk.
1 Feb 2024

ADA updates diabetes standards of care for 2023

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has changed its recommendations on hypertension cutoffs, use of statins, and treatment of patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease, among other topics.
20 Dec 2022

Assess statin-associated myalgia on a patient-by-patient basis

Statin-associated muscle pain is controversial and poorly understood. But the consequence of stopping cholesterol drugs has a much clearer downside. Counsel patients on potential side effects, and let them know that switching is preferable to stopping.
1 Jul 2012

Discussing lifetime vs. 10-year CVD risk estimates led to higher patient risk perception, willingness for therapy

Patients who were presented with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk information using a pictogram had lower perception of risk and were less willing to consider therapy than those presented with a bar graph or no graphic at all.
13 Nov 2018

Know the patient to achieve statin benefits

That statins work is without question. And with costs falling due to many drugs in the class going generic, physicians are now refining when to prescribe the ubiquitous drug class based on the degree of risk.
1 Nov 2010

Societies stress shared decision making in updated lipids performance measures

Better patient outcomes are realized only if patients agree with, act on, and adhere to their doctors' advice for 5 to 10 years, but up to half of patients stop statins at 1 to 2 years.
15 Dec 2015

System-wide changes improve diabetes care

To improve metrics of diabetes care, 4 employed primary care practices at a health system in Texas worked to systematically improve HbA1c testing and started a “Saving Toes” campaign.
1 Sep 2016

MKSAP Quiz: 6-month history of intermittent claudication

A 68-year-old man is evaluated for a 6-month history of intermittent claudication. His symptoms have been slowly progressive but are not life limiting. Medical history is significant for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and carotid artery stenosis treated with left carotid endarterectomy. He is a former smoker but quit 10 years ago. Following a physical exam and lab studies, what is the most appropriate treatment to reduce this patient's cardiovascular risk?
23 Aug 2022

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