Search results for "Endocrinology"

Results 1 - 10 of about 170 for "Endocrinology".
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MKSAP Quiz: Follow-up visit for osteoporosis

A 74-year-old woman is evaluated during a follow-up visit for osteoporosis. She sustained fractures in thoracic vertebra 11 and lumbar vertebra 1 without a fall 2 years earlier. What is the most appropriate management?
23 Jul 2024

Salt tablets no salve for hyponatremia

At Kidney Week in fall 2023, an endocrinologist covered the latest in outpatient diagnosis and treatment of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (SIAD).
1 Feb 2024

Best practice advisory boosted primary aldosteronism screening

Noninterruptive best practice advisories are potentially promising as screening-assistance tools for primary aldosteronism, particularly for primary care physicians, according to the authors of a recent quality improvement study.
16 Jan 2024

Differentiating type 1 from type 2 diabetes in adults

Type 1 diabetes can be challenging to diagnose after childhood in part because the overt symptoms tend to be milder.
1 May 2024

Low testosterone levels in men associated with mortality risk

Data from this new systematic review support the hypothesis that hypogonadism is associated with higher cardiovascular and/or all-cause mortality, an accompanying editorial stated.
14 May 2024

MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation after a fall and surgery

A 72-year-old man is evaluated following surgical fixation of a right distal radius fracture after a fall. A dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scan performed 2 years ago showed low bone mineral density. Alendronate weekly was initiated after the scan, and he has been adherent to therapy. What is the most appropriate management?
30 Apr 2024


ACP notes the passing of two former College leaders.
1 Apr 2024

Shifts in insulin use

Physicians' management of patients who take insulin for diabetes has been influenced by changes in pricing and access to technology.
1 Feb 2024

Melatonin not associated with increased diabetes, cardiovascular disease risk

Researchers reviewed data from three longitudinal studies of health care professionals to parse out potential effects of self-reported melatonin use on overall health.
14 May 2024

Surgical remission for Cushing's disease associated with autoimmune disease

More than 10% of patients with surgical remission of Cushing's disease had developed a new autoimmune disease by three years after surgery, compared to only 1.6% of patients with nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas.
20 Feb 2024

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