Search results for "Controversies in Medicine"

Results 1 - 4 of about 4 for "Controversies in Medicine".

Marijuana requests: Relief or ‘permission’?

Fourteen states have legalized medical marijuana. Internists who have issued the controversial prescriptions describe how they sort out legitimate uses from trivial requests.
1 Nov 2010

Experts debate pros, cons of vitamin D

An obscure nutrient is now being hailed as a link to prevention of diseases as disparate as diabetes, schizophrenia, cancer, strokes and heart attacks. Experts square off on how much vitamin D can be associated with illnesses, the proper amount that people should get, and how they can get it.
1 Nov 2009

Scribes: A write way and a wrong way

Taking a patient's history is considered an intimate part of the exam process, one long-cherished by traditionally minded physicians. Like much of the traditional practice of medicine, it's facing a new model for efficiency. Should doctors delegate the dictation?.
1 Feb 2012

1985-1994: Pharma and health care reform cause conflict

Controversies about health care policy and pharma advertisements divided College leadership.
1 Sep 2015

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