Search results for "Practice Rx"

Results 1 - 20 of about 85 for "Practice Rx".
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Medicare's wellness coverage offers critical services

Physicians must understand the requirements for billing for Medicare-covered preventive services, such as the “Welcome to Medicare” exam and Annual Wellness Visit (AWV).
1 Feb 2023

Big changes made to E/M codes in 2021

Beginning in January, physicians billing for Medicare patients no longer have to use a patient's history or physical exam to determine the appropriate level of E/M coding.
1 Jan 2021

System-wide changes improve diabetes care

To improve metrics of diabetes care, 4 employed primary care practices at a health system in Texas worked to systematically improve HbA1c testing and started a “Saving Toes” campaign.
1 Sep 2016

Web-based therapy may help interns with suicidal ideation

Resident physicians are at high risk for depression, and training can make the situation much worse. In an effort to prevent suicidal ideation among interns, researchers tested a Web-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) intervention.
1 Mar 2016

Workflow adjustments can yield small practice satisfaction

Physicians considering joining an accountable care organization should take an active role from the beginning stages, first by developing benchmarks for effective practice, and then building strong relationships with subspecialists.
1 Jul 2015

Documenting ICD-10-CM: What's new?

More specific information required in clinical documentation will lead to more efficient claims processing under the ICD-10 requirements that take effect in October.
1 Apr 2015

Details define requirements for chronic care management

Billing for chronic care management requires new capabilities for electronic health records and access to the information that they contain.
1 Mar 2015

ICD-10 changes looming amid a modern medical landscape

While some clinicians view the transition to ICD-10 as costly and burdensome, others feel that there are benefits for more accurately recording diagnoses. No matter which side of the issue, the conversion is likely to happen Oct. 1.
1 Feb 2015

New practice model evolves: ‘direct care’

Proponents of direct-pay practice models argue that such alternatives are a badly needed intervention for both doctors and patients frustrated by the limited care that can be provided in 15-minute intervals or less. Other physicians are concerned that such models could shut out lower-income patients, creating a 2-tiered health system and further straining an already overstretched primary care workforce.
1 Jan 2015

Chronic care management at last, and how to code for it

Understand how to bill and code for a final rule that updates payment policies and rates for services furnished under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, making it certain that Medicare will pay for chronic care management services.
1 Jan 2015

There's more to Medicare's Annual Wellness Visit

Clinicians and office staff can benefit from a refresher course about how to code claims correctly for prompt payment.
1 Nov 2014

Accurate coding of the Initial Preventive Physical Examination

It is important for internists to understand and plan for the Initial Preventive Physical Examination, a one-time visit for new Medicare beneficiaries.
1 Oct 2014

CMS proposes some revised requirements for chronic care

It is important for internists to understand and plan for how they could meet the proposed service requirements and take advantage of payment for non-face-to-face chronic care management.
1 Sep 2014

Nurture a good ‘marriage’ with your EHR

Choosing the right electronic health record system follows the same pattern as any romantic relationship: choosing from among all the potential partners and making the relationship work. It even involves working out the kinks when something doesn't suit either party.
1 Jun 2014

ICD-10 will require more precision in documenting visits

ACP staff answers questions that have arisen as members ramp up their efforts to comply with the new implementation standards.
1 Apr 2014

EHRs' advantages may carry malpractice risks as well

Electronic health records have numerous advantages but also some potential pitfalls, as design flaws, complex templates and structured progress notes may lead to more complexity and more challenges to defense against malpractice.
1 Apr 2014

Lab oversight important even for waived testing

Waived tests for in-office procedures such as pregnancy or strep tests may be exempt from government oversight, but that doesn't mean they should be exempt from quality control.
1 Mar 2014

Answering questions about coding for ACA-mandated services

ACP's practice management staff answers questions about coverage of and coding for preventive services mandated by the Affordable Care Act.
1 Mar 2014

Changes, improvements for Medicare Physician Fee Schedule

Recent changes to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule affecting internists are detailed, including tweaks to chronic care management codes, e-prescribing and telehealth.
1 Feb 2014

CMS revises rules for E/M documentation, hospital discharges

This year's Current Procedural Terminology code changes are significant for internal medicine. Learn how to code for E/M services, hospital discharges and interprofessional consultations.
1 Jan 2014

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