Search results for "Pain Management"
Cognitive behavioral intervention helped reduce pain in hemodialysis patients
A 24-week training intervention on pain coping skills, consisting of 12 weekly coach-led sessions via video or telephone conferencing followed by 12 weeks of daily interactive voice response sessions, led to modest reductions on measures of pain interference, a trial found.
7 Jan 2025
ACP's Pain Management Learning Hub releases new learning materials
Each of the new peer-to-peer activities provides opportunities for ACP members to earn free CME/MOC credit and meet many state-based CME requirements.
1 Feb 2022
ACP launches new pain management learning hub
The series consists of seven core evidence-based and patient-centered modules and two sets of case studies. Up to 23 hours of CME/MOC credit are available, free to ACP members.
13 Apr 2021
Get comfortable with pain assessment
There are many methods for evaluating pain in the primary care setting, many of which can be completed by patients in the waiting room and have diagnostic value during the clinical encounter.
1 Jun 2020
‘New narrative’ for back pain means managing modalities
New modalities to treat low back pain can include alternative treatments like mindfulness meditation, acupuncture, mindful stress reduction, tai chi, yoga, and cognitive behavioral therapy.
1 May 2018
Integrative medicine makes gains in back pain
An ACP clinical practice guideline officially recommended noninvasive and nonpharmacologic treatments for patients with acute low back pain who are not at risk for serious underlying conditions.
1 Oct 2017
Little evidence that gabapentinoids work for low back pain
Gabapentin showed minimal improvement of pain compared with placebo, while pregabalin was not as effective compared to other types of analgesic medication, the study showed.
22 Aug 2017
Acupuncture, electrotherapy after knee replacement associated with reduced, delayed opioid use
Very low-certainty evidence showed that cryotherapy was associated with a reduction in opioid consumption and pain improvement, while low-certainty or very low-certainty evidence showed that continuous passive motion and preoperative exercise offered no pain improvement or reduction in opioid consumption.
22 Aug 2017
FDA asks clinicians to limit prescriptions of acetaminophen
The FDA recommends that clinicians stop prescribing and dispensing combination drugs that contain more than 325 mg of acetaminophen per dose.
1 May 2014
Take time to ease the pain of elderly patients
Assessing and managing pain can be complicated in elderly patients. Learn which tools work, which tools don't, and how to optimize treatment.
1 Jul 2013
Spinal manipulation, home exercise found to be better than medication for neck pain
Twelve weeks of spinal manipulation therapy led to greater relief from neck pain than medication up to one year after treatment, and home exercise with advice offered about the same relief as either treatment.
10 Jan 2012
Nerve blockade most effective option for managing pain after hip fracture
Nerve blockade is the most effective option for managing pain after hip fracture, according to a review funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
17 May 2011
Internists don't need to defer treating pain
Pain is one of the most common symptoms seen by primary care physicians, but it can be the most difficult to handle. Chronic pain often requires time-intensive, complex regimens that call for careful management and monitoring, which is not easy to achieve in a busy primary care practice.
1 May 2011
Opioids for nonmalignant pain have different adverse event profiles
Opioids for nonmalignant pain have different adverse event profiles
21 Dec 2010
For arthritis, opioids present increased relative risk compared to NSAIDs
For arthritis, opioids present increased relative risk compared to NSAIDs
21 Dec 2010