Search results for "Neurology"

Results 1 - 17 of about 17 for "Neurology".

Hear, hear for preventing cognitive decline

Because of the association between hearing loss and reduced cognition or dementia, physicians should intervene to treat this common condition of aging.
1 Apr 2023

SSRIs associated with remission of depression following intracerebral hemorrhage

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were associated with remission of depression following an intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), but also higher risk of ICH recurrence in patients with pre-existing clinical, genetic, or neuroimaging risk factors for hemorrhagic stroke.
1 Sep 2020

ADHD more than a ‘condition of childhood’

Untreated adult patients with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have a higher rate of consequences that may result in underachievement. Proper detection can give internists a way to improve their patients' quality of life.
1 Jun 2020

Catch Parkinson's early for better support

Comanaging patients with Parkinson's disease involves a back-and-forth relationship between the primary care physician and the neurologist over the course of a slow but progressive disease.
1 Apr 2020

Set expectations for new migraine treatments

New drugs take aim at migraine prevention, but long-term effects are uncertain.
1 Oct 2018

Differentiating ‘dizziness' and vertigo

Because patients use these two terms to describe a broad range of sensations, the symptom can pose a diagnostic challenge.
1 Jan 2017

Internists likely to see unprovoked first seizure

It's common for internists to see and receive referrals back for unprovoked first seizures, leading to considerations of treatment versus waiting.
1 Sep 2015

New guideline published on management of unprovoked first seizure

Physicians treating adults with an unprovoked first seizure should inform them that their seizure recurrence risk is greatest, between 21% and 45%, within the first 2 years, according to a joint guideline by the American Academy of Neurology and the American Epilepsy Society.
12 May 2015

Some statins may offer protective effect for Parkinson's disease

Continued lipophilic statin therapy was associated with a decreased incidence of Parkinson's disease compared to starting and then stopping therapy, especially among female and elderly patients, a study found.
30 Jul 2013

SSRIs associated with increase in brain hemorrhage risk in some patients, but absolute risks appear small

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may increase risk for brain hemorrhage in some patients, although the absolute risks are probably low, a study found.
23 Oct 2012

Interferon beta may not help disability progression in MS patients

Treatment with interferon beta does not appear to affect progression to disability in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS), according to a new study.
24 Jul 2012

Outpatient stroke prevention clinics may be as effective as organized inpatient care

Outpatient stroke prevention clinics may be as effective as organized inpatient care in patients who have had an ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack, according to a new study.
27 Sep 2011

Antiepileptic drugs associated with sevenfold drop in sudden, unexpected deaths

Treatment with adjunctive antiepileptic drugs at efficacious doses may reduce sudden unexpected death in epilepsy by more than seven times compared with placebo in patients with previously uncontrolled seizures.
27 Sep 2011

Medication better than brain stent for stroke prevention

Medical therapy outperformed stenting for secondary prevention of stroke in patients with intracranial arterial stenosis, a new study found.
13 Sep 2011

Commercial drivers should stay off the road for a year after TIA or stroke

Commercial drivers should stay off the road for a year after TIA or stroke
9 Nov 2010

Antidepressant may help cognitive recovery after stroke

Antidepressant may help cognitive recovery after stroke
9 Feb 2010

MS confounds, calls for better coordination

Internists are closely involved in care for multiple sclerosis, from recognizing symptoms to preventing complications. As the first line of defense, primary care physicians can find reassurance in guidance from a recent consensus paper on differential diagnosis.
1 Sep 2009

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