Search results for "National Trends"

Results 1 - 13 of about 13 for "National Trends".

Psychotropic drug prescriptions by medical specialty

Prescribing of psychotropic medications by nonpsychiatrists improves access to treatment but raises questions about adherence to evidence-based guidelines, provision of psychotherapy, adequacy of medication monitoring, and appropriateness of treatment intensity.
1 Nov 2009

National Trends

Hospital costs for potentially preventable hospitalizations were about one of every 10 dollars of total hospital expenditures in 2006. The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality presented national data on rates and total costs of potentially preventable hospitalizations.
1 Oct 2009

National Trends

People under the age of 65 who had been uninsured for more than 12 months or were uninsured for any time up to 12 months previously were much more likely to have forgone needed medical care than those insured continuously for the whole 12 months.
1 Apr 2009

National Trends

The American Lung Association State of Tobacco Control 2008 report graded the 50 states and District of Columbia.
1 Mar 2009

National Trends

Tracking the use of complementary and alternative medicines by age and condition.
1 Feb 2009

National Trends

The U.S. spent $2 trillion on health care (average: $6,700 per person), more of its Gross Domestic Product than any other developed country. What does it all buy?.
1 Jan 2009

Arthritis most common cause of slowed activity

An increasing percentage of adults experience limitation of activity as they age.
1 Oct 2008

Steady increase in number of obese adults drove sharp rise in overweight population since 1980

The prevalance of overweight and obesity changed little between the early 1960s and 1976-1980.
1 Sep 2008

Federal health care spending per capita, by state

The U.S. spends more than $2 trillion annually on health care, but public health experts debate where that money should go to produce better results.
1 Jun 2008

National Trends

Lacking a usual source of health care is associated with poorer control of chronic conditions and lower receipt of preventive services.
1 May 2008

Diversity of medical students by parental income

The American Association of Medical Colleges reported a recent rise in the number of medical school graduates who come from families with incomes in the highest quintile.
1 Apr 2008

Health insurance coverage varies regionally

A map of the United States shows that health care coverage varies by region.
1 Feb 2008

Obesity is heaviest in the South and Appalachia

Two-thirds of American adults are either overweight or obese, a rate that grew from 15% for 1978-80 to 32% in 2003-04.
1 Jan 2008

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