Search results for "Internal Medicine Meeting 2015"
Make more time in your day, and spend it wisely
A mindfulness expert helps calm harried physicians with key ways to make more time in the day and then spend it on the things that really matter in life.
1 Jul 2015
Know your kidney stones
Knowing what makes up a patient's kidney stones determines how an internist might treat the problem. But, one expert cautions, while 1 type of kidney stone is far more prevalent, there are 4 other kinds, and they may require subspecialty treatment.
1 Jul 2015
6 keys to managing the cirrhotic inpatient
An expert seeks to put his fellow physicians at ease about treating a patient population that can become quite sick and require a few clinical considerations to manage.
1 Jul 2015
Oncologist optimistic about latest cancer treatments
Genomic targeted therapies and immune therapies are 2 areas that internists should know about, so they can refer their patients for such treatments, an expert says.
1 Jul 2015
Need grows for antimicrobial stewardship
Internists looking for a career in a growth field could consider antimicrobial stewardship. One internist recounts the ups and downs of his chosen profession.
1 Jul 2015
Annual Business Meeting to be held at Internal Medicine Meeting 2015
All members are encouraged to attend ACP's Annual Business Meeting to be held during Internal Medicine Meeting 2015. Current College Officers will retire from office, and incoming Officers and new Regents and Governors will be introduced.
7 Apr 2015
Submit a Job Seeker's Profile to the ACP Job Placement Center
Looking for a job? ACP's Job Placement Center offers career opportunities during Internal Medicine Meeting 2015.
24 Mar 2015
ACP Annual Business Meeting to be held at Internal Medicine Meeting 2015
All members are encouraged to attend ACP's Annual Business Meeting to be held during ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2015. Current College Officers will retire from office, and incoming Officers and new Regents and Governors will be introduced.
3 Mar 2015
Free mobile app for Internal Medicine Meeting 2015 available
The Internal Medicine Meeting 2015 app is now available for free for iPhone and Android smartphones, as well as iPad and Android tablet devices.
3 Mar 2015
Final call for art show submissions
This is the last call for submissions for the 100th Year Anniversary Celebration Council of Resident/Fellow Members Art Competition: “The Past, Present, and Future of Medicine.” Submissions are open to all members of the College from Student Members through Masters.
10 Feb 2015
ACP Annual Business Meeting to be held at Internal Medicine Meeting 2015
All members are encouraged to attend ACP's Annual Business Meeting to be held during ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2015. Current College Officers will retire from office, and incoming Officers and new Regents and Governors will be introduced.
3 Feb 2015
Reminder: ACP art exhibition, call for submissions
ACP is now accepting submissions for the 100th Year Anniversary Celebration Council of Resident/Fellow Members Art Competition: “The Past, Present, and Future of Medicine.” Submissions are open to all members of the College from Student Members through Masters.
9 Dec 2014
ACP art exhibition: Call for submissions
ACP is now accepting submissions for the 100th Year Anniversary Celebration Council of Resident/Fellow Members Art Competition: “The Past, Present, and Future of Medicine.” Submissions are open to all members of the College from Student Members through Masters.
11 Nov 2014
Art competition open for entries
ACP is now accepting submissions for the 100th Year Anniversary Celebration Council of Resident/Fellow Members Art Competition: “The Past, Present, and Future of Medicine.” Submissions are open to all members of the College from Student Members through Masters.
28 Oct 2014