Search results for "Heart failure"

Results 1 - 10 of about 474 for "Heart failure".
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MRAs appear effective for heart failure across the range of ejection fractions

Steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs) (e.g., spironolactone and eplerenone) reduced risk for cardiovascular death or heart failure hospitalization in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (EF), while nonsteroidal MRAs (e.g., finerenone) seemed beneficial in those with mildly reduced or preserved EF, an individual-patient level meta-analysis found.
10 Sep 2024

Lifestyle, treatment changes for afib

A new atrial fibrillation guideline focuses on early rhythm control and lifestyle changes such as physical activity and weight loss to slow or disrupt the course of the disease.
1 Sep 2024

Atrial fibrillation rates rose even more than predicted

There may have been 10.55 million U.S. adults diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (AF) in 2019, exceeding predictions from previous decades, according to an analysis of all patients treated in California.
17 Sep 2024

RSV vaccine news, Entresto generic approved

This column reviews recent recalls, alerts, and approvals.
1 Jul 2024

Diagnose, address cognitive impairment in heart failure patients, society says

A new scientific statement from the Heart Failure Society of America advises clinicians to be alert to clues such as difficulty with money or running out of medicine, among other recommendations.
19 Mar 2024

CAP presents challenges for clinicians

While not treating patients with pneumonia could be catastrophic, giving antibiotics to those who don't have it also causes harm.
1 Jun 2024

Frailer heart failure patients less likely to receive guideline-recommended therapy

A prospective analysis of patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction in Japan found that the proportion receiving angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers, beta-blockers, and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists decreased as physical frailty increased.
20 Jun 2023

Adherence to sleep apnea treatment reduces health care use, costs in heart failure

Positive airway pressure-adherent patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and obstructive sleep apnea had fewer health care visits, including ED and hospital visits, than nonadherent patients, according to a new industry-funded study.
18 Jul 2023

Treating obesity as a disease

Obesity stems from genetics and environmental factors, but bias by physicians and the public may interfere with treating it as a disease.
1 Jul 2024

New appropriate use criteria offer framework for preop cardiac testing

The American College of Cardiology and other cardiology societies released a framework to guide the use of imaging in cardiovascular evaluation of patients undergoing nonemergent, noncardiac surgery.
27 Aug 2024

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