Search results for "Breast Cancer"

Results 1 - 20 of about 25 for "Breast Cancer".
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USPSTF recommends biennial breast cancer screening for women ages 40 to 74 years

The new U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) screening recommendations on mammography represent a change for women aged 40 to 49 years, who in 2016 were advised to make individual decisions about screening.
30 Apr 2024

Breast cancer overdiagnosis common among older women

Breast cancer rates among women ages 75 to 84 years were 4.9 cases per 100 screened women compared to 2.6 cases per 100 unscreened women, according to a retrospective cohort study assessing risk of overdiagnosis.
8 Aug 2023

Breast cancer overdiagnosis may not happen as frequently as previously thought

About 15% of breast cancers detected by biennial mammograms in women ages 50 to 74 years would never have progressed or caused harm in the women's lifetimes, a new retrospective study found.
1 Mar 2022

Early exercise after breast cancer surgery may help improve upper limb disability

A randomized trial in the United Kingdom found that women at risk for postoperative upper limb disability after breast cancer surgery had better functional outcomes when assigned to a structured exercise program, with no associated increase in complications or adverse events.
16 Nov 2021

Screening based on breast density at age 40 may reduce breast cancer mortality

A study supported screening all women at age 40 years to measure breast density, then assigning women with denser breasts to continued annual screening and other women to biennial screening starting at age 50 years, but an accompanying editorial raised concerns about this strategy.
9 Feb 2021

Association of breast cancer with hormone replacement therapy varies by regimen

A recent British study found differences in breast cancer risk by duration, recency, and specific formulation of hormone replacement therapy, although any use of hormones was associated with higher cancer risk than never use.
3 Nov 2020

Ductal carcinoma in situ linked to higher long-term risks of breast cancer, mortality

Among women who had surgery for ductal carcinoma in situ, rates of developing invasive breast cancer later were lower with more intensive treatment and larger final surgical margins, an English study found.
2 Jun 2020

MRI screening led to lower rate of interval cancers in women with dense breasts

While following a negative mammogram with MRI screening halved the risk of interval cancer in women with dense breast tissue, the impact on survival remains unclear, an editorial said.
10 Dec 2019

European guidelines for breast cancer screening differ from U.S. recommendations

The guidelines pertain to organized screening programs for women ages 40 to 75 years who are at average risk for breast cancer and address screening type and frequency, as well as follow-up of abnormal results.
26 Nov 2019

Prioritize cardiac monitoring for high-risk breast cancer patients, study suggests

Cardiac monitoring should be a priority among trastuzumab-treated high-risk patients, patients with comorbidities, and those treated with anthracyclines.
7 Aug 2018

Endocrine therapy, chemotherapy had similar efficacy in women with early-stage breast cancer and a midrange recurrence score

Rates of survival free of invasive disease were similar at nine years among women undergoing adjuvant endocrine therapy and chemotherapy, and the two groups had similar rates of freedom from distant disease recurrence, freedom from recurrence at a distant or local-regional site, and overall survival.
12 Jun 2018

Use of hormonal contraceptive pills may be associated with increased risk of breast cancer

While the 20% increased risk among women using contemporary formulations of oral contraceptives is similar to that initially reported among users of older formulations, an editorial noted, the finding that breast cancer risk continues to be elevated for five years or more should be regarded as preliminary because the increase in risk would not have remained significant after adjustment.
12 Dec 2017

Recurrence of estrogen-receptor-positive early-stage breast cancer after endocrine therapy associated with TN status at diagnosis

Patients with stage T1 disease had a 13% risk of distant recurrence with no nodal involvement, 20% risk with involvement of one to three nodes, and 34% risk with involvement of four to nine nodes.
14 Nov 2017

Details debated in breast screening

Amid a thicket of competing and sometimes conflicting studies about breast cancer screening, medical groups have adopted differing stances on how to address the conundrum of harms versus benefits.
1 Mar 2017

Extended aromatase inhibitor therapy appears to benefit postmenopausal patients with early-stage, hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer

Adjuvant therapy with an aromatase inhibitor more than 5 years after initial treatment is “safe and beneficial” for postmenopausal patients with hormone-receptor-positive early-stage breast cancer, a study found.
14 Jun 2016

ACS/ASCO issue guideline on caring for breast cancer survivors; study looks at association between screen-detected DCIS, invasive breast cancer

The 5 areas covered by the guideline are surveillance for breast cancer recurrence, screening for second primary cancer, assessment and management of physical and psychosocial long-term and late effects of breast cancer and treatment, health promotion, and care coordination and practice implications.
15 Dec 2015

Updated guideline released on chemoprevention for breast cancer

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) released a clinical practice guideline last week on pharmacologic interventions for reducing breast cancer risk.
16 Jul 2013

Study compares survival with early-stage breast cancer treatments

Breast-conserving surgery plus radiation was associated with better disease-specific survival than mastectomy alone in patients with early-stage breast cancer, according to a new study.
29 Jan 2013

Women with luminal A breast cancer have better short-term survival but long-term survival curves don't level off

Women with luminal A breast cancer have lower mortality rates than those with other subtypes but continue to see a decrease in survival after 10 years of follow-up, according to a new study of molecular tumor subtypes.
25 Sep 2012

MRI screening associated with improved survival in women at high risk for breast cancer

MRI screening associated with improved survival in women at high risk for breast cancer
23 Nov 2010

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