Search results for "Heart failure"

Results 31 - 40 of about 474 for "Heart failure".
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Endogenous sex hormone levels associated with CVD in postmenopausal women

Researchers used data from women participating in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) who did not have cardiovascular disease and had levels of testosterone, estradiol, dehydroepiandrosterone, and sex hormone binding globulin measured at baseline.
5 Jun 2018

More medications in advanced life-limiting illness can lower quality of life, increase symptom burden

Polypharmacy may be particularly burdensome near the end of life as patients accumulate medications to treat and prevent multiple diseases.
12 Feb 2019

ACP offers videos, resources to improve patients' health literacy

Low literacy has been linked to higher rates of hospitalization and less frequent use of preventive services, both of which are associated with higher health care costs.
2 Oct 2018

Personal choices may sway mammography

Primary care physicians who raise the subject of breast cancer screening with their patients may discover that they approach this decision from a different perspective.
1 Oct 2021

New guideline offers recommendations for older patients with diabetes or prediabetes

The Endocrine Society's new clinical practice guideline recommends lifestyle therapy, then metformin, then second-line drugs (but not sulfonylureas and glinides) or insulin for diabetes patients ages 65 years and older, among other advice.
2 Apr 2019

Guideline offers recommendations on treatment of psoriatic arthritis

Most of the recommendations are conditional, meaning that although they apply to many patients, some patients will do better with other treatments due to comorbid conditions or values and preferences, the guideline authors wrote.
11 Dec 2018

Alcohol abuse may increase risk of heart conditions as much as other risk factors

Researchers analyzed data from a Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project database in California to determine the association between a diagnosis of alcohol abuse and incident atrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction, and congestive heart failure.
10 Jan 2017

Migraine associated with cardiovascular risks

Higher absolute risks of cardiovascular disease were observed among patients with migraine across most outcomes and follow-up periods during 19 years of follow-up.
6 Feb 2018

Web-based decision support tool may help determine safety of outpatient PE management

The tool was added to the patient care workflow in the ED after the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE) was confirmed but before site-of-care decision making was completed.
13 Nov 2018

More clarity on myocarditis with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines

The classic presentation for COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis is chest pain one to seven days after vaccination, with a median time of three days after vaccination, particularly after the second dose.
1 Feb 2023

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