Search results for "Heart failure"

Results 191 - 200 of about 474 for "Heart failure".
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MKSAP Quiz: 6 months of exertional dyspnea

A 46-year-old man is evaluated for 6 months of exertional dyspnea, fatigue, and ankle edema. Recently he experienced near-syncope walking up two flights of stairs. He has no other medical problems and takes no medications. Following a physical exam, transthoracic echocardiogram, and other tests, what is the most appropriate treatment?
9 Jun 2020

NOACs recommended instead of warfarin for some afib patients, guideline states

An updated guideline on atrial fibrillation responds to new evidence, as well as the advent of new drugs and devices to treat the condition.
5 Feb 2019

Progress and limitations on vaccines, strokes and readmissions in COVID-19

A report warned that a few health care workers developed COVID-19 shortly after vaccination, and studies showed that strokes were rare in COVID-19 patients but readmissions could not be predicted easily.
9 Feb 2021

MKSAP Quiz: Shortness of breath following hospital discharge

A 52-year-old woman is evaluated during a follow-up visit following a small non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction treated with drug-eluting stent. Since discharge, she has had shortness of breath. Following a physical exam and chest radiograph, what is the most likely cause of this patient's dyspnea?
30 Oct 2018

High clinical suspicion needed for Chagas cardiomyopathy in the U.S., heart society says

Clinicians and health systems outside of Latin America need to be equipped to recognize, diagnose, and treat Chagas disease and to prevent further disease transmission, the American Heart Association said in a scientific statement.
28 Aug 2018

Metoprolol not effective for reducing time to COPD exacerbation

A randomized placebo-controlled trial, which was stopped early due to safety and futility concerns, found no significant between-group difference in median time to first exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
29 Oct 2019

MKSAP Quiz: 6-month history of dyspnea on exertion

A 38-year-old man is evaluated for a 6-month history of dyspnea on exertion. He has gastroesophageal reflux disease and Raynaud phenomenon. He does not smoke and has no cough or wheezing. Following a physical exam, pulmonary function testing, and high-resolution CT, what is the most likely diagnosis?
19 Nov 2019

MKSAP Quiz: Murmur detected during a physical examination

An 18-year-old man is evaluated for a murmur detected during a college sports physical examination. He reports no symptoms and has no history of cardiac disease. He takes no medications. Following a physical exam, what is the most likely cause of this patient's murmur?
18 Jun 2019

Kidney failure, CV events lower with canagliflozin than placebo, industry study finds

The trial was stopped early after an interim safety analysis found significantly better renal and cardiovascular outcomes among type 2 diabetes patients randomized to canagliflozin than those assigned to placebo.
23 Apr 2019

Prioritize cardiac monitoring for high-risk breast cancer patients, study suggests

Cardiac monitoring should be a priority among trastuzumab-treated high-risk patients, patients with comorbidities, and those treated with anthracyclines.
7 Aug 2018

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