Search results for "Heart failure"

Results 181 - 190 of about 474 for "Heart failure".
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Scientific statement reviews cardiovascular risks, prevention, and treatment in patients with HIV

Even when adequately controlled, HIV is associated with increased cardiovascular risk, said a recent scientific statement from the American Heart Association, which offered advice on risk assessment and preventive treatment.
11 Jun 2019

Lower SBP linked to worse outcomes in older HF patients with reduced ejection fraction and hypertension

Clinicians should focus on preventing heart failure (HF) in patients with hypertension and providing optimal therapy in those with symptomatic disease, rather than on a specific blood pressure target, an editorial said.
25 Jun 2019

MKSAP Quiz: COPD evaluated during a routine visit

A 66-year-old man with a history of COPD is evaluated during a routine visit. He is able to walk one flight of stairs and one block before he develops dyspnea. He was last treated for two acute exacerbations of COPD within the last year, one of which required hospitalization. Following a physical exam and other tests, what patient characteristics place him at highest risk for a recurrent acute exacerbation?
9 Mar 2021

Cardiovascular events similar, adverse effects worse with chlorthalidone compared to hydrochlorothiazide

Chlorthalidone was associated with a significantly higher risk of hypokalemia, hyponatremia, acute renal failure, chronic kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, and abnormal weight gain.
25 Feb 2020

Diuretics may be superior to ACE inhibitors for initial hypertension monotherapy

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors appeared only modestly less effective than thiazide or thiazide-like diuretics, but the effect of initial monotherapy with the latter across the whole population could be substantial, the study authors concluded.
5 Nov 2019

New research looks at COVID-19 quarantine length in asymptomatic contacts, convalescent plasma for mild disease, related health issues

Seven-day quarantine may be sufficient for contacts without symptoms, older adults with mild disease may benefit from convalescent plasma, and cardiovascular deaths increased during the early stage of the pandemic.
12 Jan 2021

MKSAP Quiz: Follow-up for urinary incontinence

A 67-year-old man is evaluated in follow-up for urinary incontinence. Six months ago, he began tamsulosin for occasional nocturia, frequency, and urgency related to benign prostatic hyperplasia. Tamsulosin decreased the frequency of nocturia, but he continued to have daytime urinary urgency with a few occasions of urine leakage. Following a physical exam and bladder ultrasonography, what is the most appropriate treatment?
20 Oct 2020

MKSAP Quiz: INR management

A 61-year-old woman undergoes routine evaluation. She reports no recent changes in her medications. She has a history of idiopathic deep venous thrombosis. Her only medication is warfarin, initiated 2 months ago. Following a physical exam and international normalized ratio (INR) measurement of 7.2, what is the most appropriate management?
28 Jul 2020

Cardiovascular medications underused in Hispanic/Latino patients with PAD

Efforts to improve peripheral artery disease (PAD) treatment in Hispanic/Latino populations are needed, including improved access to health care and more guideline-adherent treatment, according to the authors of a recent study.
11 Aug 2020

Older adults have greater risk for complications after colonoscopy, study finds

The results suggest that clinicians should carefully consider the decision to perform colonoscopy in patients ages 75 years and older, particularly in the presence of comorbidities, study authors said.
30 Jun 2020

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