Search results for "Heart failure"

Results 11 - 20 of about 474 for "Heart failure".
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Follow-up of cardiac hospitalizations lacking and disparities worsening, study finds

While follow-up after myocardial infarction or heart failure hospitalization gradually improved over a decade, disparities worsened for Asian, Black, Hispanic, and Medicaid dual-eligible patients, as well as patients residing in counties with higher levels of social deprivation.
6 Aug 2024

Collaboration with heart failure patients key

Comanaging cardiology patients after heart failure requires small adjustments, following recent guidelines, and patient involvement in decisions.
1 Jul 2021

New appropriate use criteria offer framework for preop cardiac testing

The American College of Cardiology and other cardiology societies released a framework to guide the use of imaging in cardiovascular evaluation of patients undergoing nonemergent, noncardiac surgery.
27 Aug 2024

Understanding heart failure in African Americans

African Americans have a higher incidence of heart disease at a younger age, and they meet fewer criteria for ideal cardiovascular health, such as nonsmoking, physical activity, and lower body mass index.
1 Nov 2019

ED, outpatient visits for worsening heart failure on the rise since 2010

A cohort study that analyzed encounters in one health system for worsening heart failure found that ED and observation stays and outpatient visits account for approximately half of the visits, with hospitalizations comprising the other half.
5 Jul 2022

Treat COPD symptoms, solve problems

Effectively managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease means staying up to date on medications, devices, and delivery techniques.
1 Apr 2024

AHA offers guidance on palliative pharmacotherapy for cardiovascular disease

A scientific statement from the American Heart Association (AHA) calls for use of guideline-directed and evidence-based palliative therapies in end-stage heart failure, pulmonary arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, and other cardiac conditions.
9 Jul 2024

Cardiac societies issue new joint guideline on management of heart failure

The updated guideline recommends sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors for many heart failure patients, regardless of their diabetes status, among other changes.
5 Apr 2022

Managing patients with diabetes and heart failure

Good control of diabetes in the presence of heart failure includes appropriate HbA1c targets, metformin and comprehensive lifestyle change as first-line therapy, and a team approach.
1 Nov 2019

Meta-analysis compares mortality benefits of heart failure treatment combinations

Patients taking an angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor, beta-blocker, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor showed the greatest reduction in risk of death, the analysis of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction found.
14 Dec 2021

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