Latest updates on ACP's priorities, initiatives
ACP Spotlight offers readers a look at ACP's current top priorities and initiatives, as well as highlights from our e-newsletter, ACP Internist Weekly.
ACP urges Senate committee to lower health care costs, invest in high-value primary care

In response to a request from the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP), ACP recently outlined priorities and potential bipartisan solutions to lower health care costs, including:
- Invest in high-value primary care to guide clinical decision making and promote greater transparency in pricing and outcomes of care, as well as continued support for testing and funding new value-based payment and delivery models.
- Expand access and coverage to ensure patient protections and essential health benefits remain in place, as well as support efforts to stabilize the health insurance marketplace.
- Support a well-trained physician workforce with an emphasis on high-value primary care while sustaining funding for graduate medical education and important public health programs such as the National Health Service Corps.
- Reduce the cost of prescription drugs by preventing practices that impede generic drugs from making it to the marketplace, increasing transparency, and stemming anticompetitive practices.
- Implement a framework to formally assess existing and new administrative tasks and work to reduce, streamline, or eliminate excessive and burdensome tasks on clinicians and patients.
- Continue to improve the Quality Payment Program and facilitate meaningful improvement in patient outcomes while minimizing burden and costs in our health care system.
The letter is online.
ACP partners with TIME’S UP Healthcare, Women's Wellness through Equity and Leadership Project
ACP has entered into partnerships with TIME’S UP Healthcare, a group that advocates for safe, fair, and dignified work for all health care workers, and the Women's Wellness through Equity and Leadership Project.
Launched by women in the entertainment industry, TIME’S UP represents women across all racial, religious, and economic backgrounds. TIME’S UP Healthcare is linked to a network of leading health care institutions committed to increasing safety and equity in the industry.
The Women's Wellness through Equity and Leadership Project fosters the development of female physician leaders to build a healthier, more equitable work experience. Physicians from participating organizations will participate in webinars and meetings over the next 18 months to explore leadership skills, discuss principles for equitable and productive work environments, and form relationships with mentors. ACP's representatives are Tammy Lin, MD, MPH, FACP, of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.; LCDR Karen G. (Mayr) Zeman, MD, ACP Member, of Bethesda, Md.; and Adebisi (Bisi) Alli, DO, MS, FACP, of Phoenix.
ACP discusses transition to adult health care in recent report and audio presentation
In a new audio presentation, representatives of ACP and other physician organizations discussed how key components from a recent report on health care transitions from pediatric to adult care, published in November 2018 by Pediatrics, can be practically applied in a clinical setting. The audio presentation features guidance from ACP, along with the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians, on a clinician's role in transitional health care, special considerations for youth and young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities, and implementation of health care transition processes.
ICYMI: Highlights from ACP Internist Weekly
AHA issues updated statement on measurement of blood pressure. Among other recommendations, the statement notes that a validated automated office blood pressure device that can be programmed to take an average of at least three readings should be considered the preferred approach for evaluating blood pressure in the office. The full statement, which includes tables outlining proper procedures for blood pressure measurement and recommendations for children, pregnant women, and those with other clinical conditions, was published March 4 by Hypertension.
New module addresses recognizing, responding to human trafficking in a clinical setting. “Human Trafficking: A Physician's Guide to Identification and Response” is now available in the Online Learning Center. The course helps physicians recognize and respond to survivors of human trafficking in a clinical setting. ACP members may claim free CME/MOC, which applies to special state-based requirements for Human Trafficking CME and for Ethics and Professional Responsibility CME.
ACP Internist Weekly is an e-newsletter published every Tuesday and available online. Subscribe online.