Nominees named for College Officer and Regent positions
ACP announces its elections slate for governance positions.
The Governance Committee of the American College of Physicians places in nomination candidates for College governance.
2019–2020 President-elect
Jacqueline W. Fincher, MD, MACP, Thomson, Ga.

Medical school: Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Ga., 1985.
Residency: Internal medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Ga., 1986-1988.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1988. Participating in Maintenance of Certification.
ACP Fellowship: 1998.
ACP Mastership: 2011.
Present position: Partner, Center for Primary Care–McDuffie Medical.
ACP activities: Member, Marketing and Communications Committee, 2004-2009; Governor-elect, Georgia Chapter, 2010-2011; Governor, Georgia Chapter, 2011-2015; Member, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2010-2012; Vice Chair, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2012-2014; Member, Medical Informatics Committee, 2014-2016; Member, Medical Practice and Quality Committee, 2014-2017; Member, Governance Committee, 2015-2018; Chair, Task Force on Enhancing ACP's Local Presence, 2017-2018; Chair, Medical Practice and Quality Committee, 2017-present; Member, ACP Delegation to the American Medical Association, 2018-present; Member, Board of Regents, 2015-present.
2019–2022 Treasurer
Gregory C. Kane, MD, MACP, Philadelphia

Medical school: Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1987.
Residency: Internal medicine, Lankenau Hospital, Wynnewood, Pa., 1987-1990.
Fellowship: Pulmonary disease and critical care medicine, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1990-1993.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1990; pulmonary disease, 1992; critical care medicine, 1993. Participating in Maintenance of Certification.
ACP Fellowship: 1997.
ACP Mastership: 2018.
Present position: The Jane and Leonard Korman Professor and Chairman, department of medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University.
ACP activities: Governor-elect, Pennsylvania Southeastern Region, 2013-2014; Governor, Pennsylvania Southeastern Region, 2014-2018; Member, Internal Medicine Scientific Program Committee, 2013-2015, 2015-2017, 2017-present; Member, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2014-2017; Member, Membership Committee, 2014-2017; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, 2016-2017; Vice Chair, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2017-2018.
Incumbent Regent Nominees
The incumbents, listed in alphabetical order, nominated for a second term of two years to expire in 2021, are:
George M. Abraham, MD, MPH, FACP, Worcester, Mass.

Medical school: Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, India, 1989.
Residency: Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, India, 1990-1992.
Residency: Internal medicine, Saint Vincent Hospital, Worcester, Mass., 1996-1998.
Fellowship: Infectious disease, Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, India, 1993-1994; infectious disease, Communicable Disease Center, Singapore, 1996.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1998; Infectious disease, 2010. Participating in Maintenance of Certification.
ACP Fellowship: 2001.
Present positions: Chief, department of medicine, and attending physician, infectious disease, Saint Vincent Hospital; professor of medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School.
ACP activities: Governor-elect, Massachusetts Chapter, 2013-2014; Governor, Massachusetts Chapter, 2014-2018; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, 2014-2015; Postgraduate/Chapter Education Committee, 2014-2017; Member, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2016-2017; Member, High Value Care Task Force, 2016-2018; Member, Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion, 2017; Chair-elect, Board of Governors, 2017-2018; Vice Chair, Financial Policy and Audit Committee, 2017-2018; Member, Governance Committee, 2017-2018; Member, Committee Appointments Subcommittee, 2017-present; Chair, Board of Governors, 2018-present; Member, Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee, 2018-present; Member, Financial Policy and Audit Committee, 2018-present; Member, ACP Delegation to the American Medical Association, 2018-present; Member, ACP Steering Committee for the Philanthropy Initiative, 2018-present; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Regents, 2017-present; Member, Board of Regents, 2017-present.
Peter Basch, MD, MACP, Washington, D.C.

Medical school: George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, D.C., 1978.
Residency: Internal medicine, George Washington University Hospital, Washington, D.C., 1978-1981.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1981.
ACP Fellowship: 2007.
ACP Mastership: 2014.
Present position: Senior director, IT quality and safety, research, and national health IT policy, MedStar Health.
ACP activities: Member, Medical Service Policy Committee, 2004-2009; Member, Medical Informatics Committee, 2005-2010; Member, Performance Measurement Subcommittee, 2006-2007; Chair, Medical Informatics Committee, 2013-2017; Chair, QI Learning Collaborative Task Force, 2017-present; Member, Medical Practice and Quality Committee, 2017-present; Member, Performance Measurement Committee, 2018-present; Member, Board of Regents, 2017-present.
Sue Scher Bornstein, MD, FACP, Dallas

Medical school: Texas Tech School of Medicine, Lubbock, Texas, 1992.
Residency: Internal medicine, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, 1992-1995.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1995. Participating in Maintenance of Certification.
ACP Fellowship: 2005.
Present position: Executive director, Texas Medical Home Initiative.
ACP activities: Member, Medical Practice and Quality Committee, 2010-2012; Governor-elect, Texas Northern Region, 2012-2013; Governor, Texas Northern Region, 2013-2017; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, 2013-2014; Member, Membership Committee, 2012-2014; Member, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2014-2016; Member, Governance Committee, 2015-2016; Vice Chair, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2016-2017, Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion, 2017; Chair, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2017-present; Member, ACP Delegation to the American Medical Association, 2018-present; Member, Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee, 2018-present; Member, ACP Board of Regents Planning Retreat Task Force 2019, 2018-present; Member, Board of Regents, 2017-present.
Janet A. Jokela, MD, MPH, FACP, Urbana, Ill.

Medical school: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn., 1987.
Residency: Internal medicine, Boston City Hospital, Boston, 1988-1990.
Fellowship: Infectious diseases, Beth Israel Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, 1991-1994.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1990; infectious disease, 1994. Participating in Maintenance of Certification.
ACP Fellowship: 2001.
Present positions: Acting regional dean, professor of clinical medicine and head, department of medicine, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign.
ACP activities: Governor-elect, Illinois Downstate Region, 2012-2013; Governor, Illinois Downstate Region, 2013-2017; Member, Internal Medicine Scientific Program Committee, 2013-2014, 2015-2017; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, 2014-2015, 2016-2017; Member, Chapters Subcommittee, 2013-2014, 2015-2016; Member, Membership Committee, 2014-2015; Member, Governance Committee, 2015-2016; Chair, Chapters Subcommittee, 2016-2017; Member, Education and Publication Committee, 2016-2018; Member, Awards Committee, 2017-2018; Member, High Value Care Task Force, 2017-2018; Member, Task Force on Enhancing ACP's Local Presence, 2017-2018; Member, ACP EVP/CEO Evaluation Task Force, 2017-2018; Member, ACP Principles of Professional Accountability Task Force, 2017-2018; Member, Ethics, Professionalism and Human Rights Committee, 2018-present; Member, High Value Care Committee, 2018-present; Member, ACP Board of Regents Planning Retreat Task Force 2019, 2018-present; Member, Board of Regents, 2017-present.
Ryan D. Mire, MD, FACP, Nashville, Tenn.

Medical school: University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Memphis, Tenn., 1998.
Residency: Internal medicine, Medical College of Virginia Hospitals, Richmond, Va., 1999-2001.
Certification: Internal medicine, 2001. Participating in Maintenance of Certification.
ACP Fellowship: 2006.
Present position: Primary care physician, Heritage Medical Associates.
ACP activities: Member, Council of Young Physicians, 2007-2009; Chair-elect, Council of Young Physicians, 2009-2010; Chair, Council of Young Physicians, 2010-2011; Member, Marketing and Communications Committee, 2008-2009; Member, Strategic Planning Committee, 2009-2010; Chair-elect, Council of Young Physicians, Board of Governors, 2009-2010; Chair, Council of Young Physicians, Board of Regents, 2010-2011; Member, Creden-tials Committee, 2014-2017; Member, CEO Search Com-mittee, 2015-2016; Member, Medical Practice and Quality Committee, 2016-present; Member, Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion, 2017; Member, Patient Partnership in Healthcare, 2017-present; Member, Governance Committee, 2018-present; Member, ACP Master Clinician Task Force, 2018; Member, Board of Regents, 2017-present.
New Regent nominees—Governor slate (one to be elected)
Jan K. Carney, MD, MPH, FACP, South Burlington, Vt.
Lawrence M. Phillips, MD, FACP, New York
Michael J. Tan, MD, FACP, Akron, Ohio
New Regent nominees—non-Governor slate (one to be elected)
Eileen M. Moser, MD, MPHE, MACP, Hershey, Pa.
Ann B. Nattinger, MD, MPH, MACP, Milwaukee, Wisc.
Outgoing Regent and Treasurer
The College thanks Mark A. Levine, MD, FACP, Regent, and Robert H. Lohr, MD, MACP, Treasurer, for their service and dedication. Their service on the Board of Regents will end in April 2019.
2019-2020 Board of Regents Chair-elect and Chair, and ACP President
At its November meeting, the Board of Regents will elect its 2019-2020 Chair-elect. Douglas M. DeLong, MD, FACP, current Chair-elect of the Board of Regents, and Robert M. McLean, MD, FACP, President-elect, will assume office as Chair of the Board of Regents and President, respectively, at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting held during Internal Medicine Meeting 2019 in Philadelphia.
2019-2020 Board of Governors Chair and Chair-elect Designee
Omar T. Atiq, MD, FACP, will take office as Chair of the Board of Governors at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting held during Internal Medicine Meeting 2019 in Philadelphia.
William E. Fox, MD, FACP, has been elected Chair-elect Designee for the Board of Governors. He will officially take office as Chair-elect at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting held during Internal Medicine Meeting 2019 in Philadelphia.
How the election works
The election of College Officers and Regents will take place by electronic ballot in January 2019 by the voting body of the Board of Regents and Board of Governors. Officers-elect and Regents will take office at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting at Internal Medicine Meeting 2019 in Philadelphia.
Regent candidates may be added by petition, which requires submission of biographical information completed by the candidate and a statement (maximum 150 words) indicating qualifications for service. A petition requires at least 50 signatures of Masters, Fellows, and Members and must be received by the Executive Vice President/Chief Executive Officer no later than Jan. 2, 2019.
To obtain a biographical sketch and candidate information sheet or for further information about a petition, please contact Lauren Cruz by email at, or by phone at (800) 523-1546, ext. 2817.