October 2012

Patients and prayer amid medical practice
It's more important than ever to recognize and understand cultures and spiritual beliefs, including and beyond the end of life.
PPI's benefits can outweigh their possible risks
The key to proper use of proton-pump inhibitors is monitoring patients closely to determine if they are benefitting from long-term therapy, or could potentially discontinue or reduce their dose.
White coat hypertension presents an elusive challenge
Although white coat hypertension is chalked up to general anxiety, it may be the medical setting, and specifically the physician, that acts as the trigger.
What's your malpractice risk? Depends on your specialty
A research letter uncovers how often physicians face malpractice claims, and builds a case for policy reform that ensures fair compensation for patients who are harmed and less time spent on cases that are eventually dismissed.
HIV prophylaxis and new weight loss drug approved
This regulatory update covers label changes for dalfampridine and approvals for the first generic versions of montelukast sodium for asthma.
Metacognition and its impact on physician self-diagnosis
A physician tried to self-diagnose his symptoms of a feeling of suffocation and a change in gait. Experts review the cognitive biases that made the doctor overlook the right diagnosis.
Leadership, character and taking a stance for the right reasons
For members of the College, taking the right stance on behalf of patients comes before any political principles or self-interests.
2012 election to decide four critical health care questions
Medicaid, Medicare, funding for medical education and guarantees of health insurance coverage for all Americans are on the line in the upcoming presidential election.
Spirituality may play larger role in new health care environment
Physicians who are comfortable with their own spirituality may find it easier to incorporate patients' beliefs into clinical practice.
Take advantage of ICD-10 codes being delayed once more
Compliance with the switch to ICD-10 diagnosis coding has been delayed to Oct. 1, 2014. The delay will let doctors, software developers and vendors fully test the new coding set in the office setting.
Will you be ready for ICD-10?
Even though ICD-10 has been delayed, it is important to continue planning for the eventual transition.
MKSAP Quiz: 1-year history of increasing fatigue
A 77-year-old man has a 1-year history of increasing fatigue. He has not seen a physician for at least 3 years. Medical and family histories are unremarkable, and he takes no medications. The patient appears pale. Based on lab values, a bone marrow aspiration and peripheral blood smear and bone marrow biopsy, what is the most likely diagnosis?.