Nominees named for ACP Officers and Regent positions
The Nominations Committee of the American College of Physicians places nominations for President-elect, regents, and others.
The Nominations Committee of the American College of Physicians places in nomination the following candidates:
2009-10 President-elect
J. Fred Ralston, Jr. FACP, Fayetteville, Tenn.
Present position: Fayetteville Medical Associates, PC, full-time private practice in general internal medicine.

Previous and current ACP activities: Governor, Tennessee Chapter, 2001-2005; Governor-elect, 2000-2001; National Board of Governors, 1998-1999, 2000-2006; Chair, Board of Governors, 2005-2006; Parliamentarian, 2003-2005; Publications Committee, 2001-2003 (Vice-Chair, 2002-2003); Finance Committee, 2004-2006, 2008 to current (vice-chair 2004-2005); Chair, Compensation Subcommittee, 2008-2009; Health and Public Policy Committee, 2003-2004, 2006 to current (chair, 2007 to current); Board of Regents, 2004 to current; Executive Committee, Board of Regents, 2004-2006; Chairman, Special Reference Committee on Recertification, Spring 2002.
Strengths, based on training and experience: universal coverage, efficiency in health care delivery, health care reform, access to primary care, advocacy, government relations, electronic health records.
Incumbent Regent nominees
The incumbents, listed in alphabetical order, nominated for a second term of three years to expire in 2012, are:
Michele G. Cyr, FACP, Providence, R.I.

Present position: Director, Division of Internal Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital
Previous and current ACP activities: Board of Regents, 2006 to current; Governor, Rhode Island Chapter, Governor-elect, 1993-1994; 1994-1998; Member Marketing and Communications Committee, 2007 to current; ACP/ABIM Joint Task Force on Ambulatory Based Internal medicine, 2006 to current; Competition Review Board, 1997 to current; Reference Committee, 1996-1998; Women's health task Force, 1995-1997; Postgraduate Education Subcommittee, 1994-1996;
Strengths, based on training and experience: Women's health, addiction/alcohol.
Faith T. Fitzgerald, MACP, Sacramento, Calif.

Present position: Associate Dean of the Humanities and Bioethics, University of California, Davis, School of Medicine.
Previous and current ACP activities: Regent, 2006 to current; ITE Subcommittee, 1987-1990; Governor, Northern California Chapter, 1997-2001; Governor-elect, Northern California Chapter, 1996-1997; Education Committee, 1999; International Subcommittee, 2007 to current
Strengths, based on training and experience: Ethics, teaching at all levels, diagnostic puzzles.
Kevin B. Weiss, FACP, Evanston, Ill.

Present position: President and CEO, The American Board of Medical Specialties
Previous and current ACP activities: Board of Regents, 2006 to current; member Health and Public Policy Committee, 2008-present; Chair Performance Measurement Subcommittee, 2005 to 2007; co-chair Performance Measure Taskforce of the Education Committee, 2004 to 2005; Chair Clinical Efficacy Assessment Subcommittee of the Education Committee, 2001-2005; Task Force for Physicians Clinical Performance Measurement, 2003-2004; ACP Representative to the National Quality Forum 2004-2007; ACP Representative to the AMA-Physician's Consortium for Performance Measurement 2004-2007; ACP Representative to the AQA 2004-2007.
Strengths, based on training and experience: healthcare policy, healthcare quality, performance improvement.
David L. Bronson, FACP, Cleveland

Present position: Chairman, Medicine Institute and chairman of the department of internal medicine, Cleveland Clinic.
Previous and current ACP activities: Governor, Ohio Chapter, 2003-2007; Governor-elect, Ohio Chapter, 2002; Board of Governors, 2002-2007; Chair-elect, Board of Governors, 2006-2009; Board of Regents, 2006-2009 (Executive Committee, 2006-2009); Vice-chair, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2004-2005; Vice-chair, Strategic Planning Committee, 2006-2007; Vice-chair, Finance Committee, 2006-2007.
Strengths, based on training and experience: Quality improvement, performance assessment and management, public policy, and medical education.
There will be four Regent vacancies in 2009:
Angeline A. Lazarus, FACP, whose term as Regent will expire; Clement McDonald, FACP, who has resigned from the Board; J. Fred Ralston, Jr., FACP, who was nominated President-elect; and Robert G. Luke, MACP, who was nominated Chair-elect of the Board of Regents. If elected, the Immediate Past Chair of the Board of Governors David L. Bronson, FACP, will fill one of these as an incumbent Regent, leaving three openings for new Regents. One position will be filled by a candidate from the Governor Slate and two positions will be filled by candidates from the Non-Governor slate as follows:
Governor slate (one to be elected)
Robert A. Gluckman, FACP, Portland, Ore. Sara L. Wallach, FACP, Fair Haven, N.J.
Non-Governor slate (two to be elected)
Tanveer P. Mir, FACP, Woodbury, N.Y. Wayne J. Riley, FACP, Nashville, Tenn.
Candidates for chair-elect of ACP's Board of Governors
Two candidates are seeking election as Chair-elect of the Board of Governors. The College's Governors have been casting ballots online, with the winner to be announced later this month. The winner will serve from May 2009 to May 2010 and take office 2010-2011.
Charles Cutler, FACP, Marion Station, Pa.

Dr. Cutler received his medical degree from and served his residency at Temple University School of Medicine. He is a general internist at Norristown Internal Medicine Associates with hospital appointments at Mercy-Suburban Hospital and Montgomery Hospital in Norristown.
He has been a member of the Governing Council of Pennsylvania Chapter since 2002, Governor of the Pennsylvania Southeastern Region since 2006 and served on the Executive Committee of the ACP Board of Governors from 2006 to 2008 and the Health and Public Policy Committee. In addition to his professional accomplishments, he was past president and is a current board member of Victim Services Center of Montgomery County, Inc., and was chairman, Coalition for a Tobacco Free Montgomery County, from 2004 to 2007.
Mary Modelle Newman, FACP, Lutherville, Md.

Dr. Newman received her degree from Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, Neb., and served her residency and fellowship at Johns Hopkins University Division of Internal Medicine in Baltimore. She is on active staff at Johns Hopkins and is an assistant professor there, as well as an internist in group practice.
She is Governor of the Maryland Chapter, 2006 to current, and has been on the Third Party Payer Committee, the Governors Subcommittee on Nominations, the Nominations Committee, the Medical Services Committee and has been a Class Representative of the Executive Committee Board of Governors. She cites as areas of special interest primary care and preventative medicine, special medical problems of women, geriatric medicine, difficult diagnosis and medical peer review.
Regents name new Chair, Chair-elect

At its October meeting, the Board of Regents elected Robert G. Luke, MACP, Cincinnati, 2009-2010 Chair-elect of the Board of Regents. Dr. Luke will assume the Chair at the conclusion of the Annual Business meeting Sat., April 24, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Present position: professor of medicine, department of medicine, University of Cincinnati Medical Center.
ACP activities: Board of Regents, 2004 to current; member, Subcommittee for Residency In-training Examination in Internal Medicine, 1991-1994; member, Steering Committee for In-Training Exam, for Internal Medicine House Staff, 1998-2003.
Strengths, based on training and experience: medical education, publications, training and research; administration, finance, and leadership by consensus.
Frederick E. Turton, FACP, Chair-elect of the Board of Regents and Joseph W. Stubbs, FACP, President-elect, will assume office as Chair of the Board of Regents and President, respectively, at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting, Sat., April 25, 2009 in Philadelphia.