ACP Hospitalist solicits ACP members' writing for upcoming special issue

Send us your vision of the future of hospital medicine—essays or stories, realistic or outlandish, optimistic or dystopian—in 1,000 words or less by Sept. 13.

ACP members are invited to submit their writing for ACP Hospitalist's next special issue. We want to read your visions of the future of hospital medicine—essays or stories, realistic or outlandish, optimistic or dystopian. How will hospitals be designed differently 100 years from now? What humorous interactions do you envision having with hospitalist robots? What are your greatest dreams or biggest fears? Please send your submission of 1,000 words or less by Friday, Sept. 13, by email to

ACP Hospitalist is an online magazine exclusive to ACP members. All submissions should be original and should not be previously published or currently under consideration elsewhere. Any patients and colleagues who are mentioned should not be identifiable or should have given their permission for publication. Selected submissions will be edited by ACP Hospitalist staff and published Nov. 27, 2024; authors will be notified of their selection by early October. We look forward to receiving your submissions!