Interactive learning series offers interventions and prevention for intimate partner violence

A new two-part, three-hour program from ACP can help physicians feel more comfortable talking to patients about intimate partner violence. Access to the modules and related CME/MOC are free to ACP members.

ACP's new interactive learning series teaches practical, evidence-based steps to implement safe and supportive interventions with patients experiencing intimate partner violence. The two-part, three-hour program includes the modules “Intimate Partner Violence: Dynamics and Effects” and “Intimate Partner Violence: Educating and Connecting” and can help physicians feel more comfortable talking to patients about these situations.

Access to the modules and related CME/MOC are free to ACP members. Nonmembers may purchase access for $25 per module. Visit the ACP Online Learning Center for more information.

In the November/December ACP Internist, Sue Bornstein, MD, MACP, Chair of ACP's Board of Regents, discussed the hidden epidemic of intimate partner violence and the importance of screening patients.