Celebrate National Internal Medicine Day on October 28

Share your internal medicine pride by posting about National Internal Medicine Day on social media and joining a Twitter chat at 8 p.m. ET on Oct. 28.

ACP celebrates National Internal Medicine Day on Wednesday, Oct. 28, and is proud to represent internal medicine specialists and subspecialists who are united by a commitment to excellence and who make a difference in the lives of their patients every day.

Join ACP in sharing your internal medicine pride by:

  • using the official hashtags (#NationalInternalMedicineDay, #IMProud, and #IMEssential) in social media posts to flood the internet with internal medicine pride by recognizing a colleague, thanking a mentor, or telling your story,
  • updating your social media profile picture to include a National Internal Medicine Day frame for Facebook or Twitter,
  • visiting ACP Online to find more ways to celebrate, including downloadable materials and customizable social media content,
  • following ACP on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to like and share our posts, and
  • joining the #NIMdayChat Twitter chat on October 28 at 8 p.m. ET, which is co-hosted by ACP's Council of Early Career Physicians, Council of Resident/Fellow Members, and Council of Student Members.