In the News

Lipophilic statins associated with significantly reduced hepatocellular carcinoma incidence, mortality in hepatitis

Potential benefits of lipophilic statins appeared to be dose- and duration-dependent, with the greatest reduction in hepatocellular carcinoma risk seen with use of a moderate-dose statin for about two years, according to data from a registry of Swedish patients with hepatitis B or C.

USPSTF recommends primary care screening for illicit drug use in all adults

Public input on the draft recommendation from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) will be accepted until Sept. 9.

MKSAP Quiz: Posthospital evaluation for severe COPD

A 64-year-old woman is evaluated during a posthospital visit for severe COPD with an FEV1 of 30% of predicted. She has been admitted three times during the last year with acute exacerbations. Following physical and pulmonary exams, what is the most appropriate treatment to reduce this patient's COPD exacerbations?

Acute MI may be undertreated in patients with mild cognitive impairment

Rates of cardiac catheterization, coronary revascularization, and cardiac rehabilitation after hospitalization for acute myocardial infarction (MI) were compared in older patients with preexisting mild cognitive impairment versus those without impaired cognition.

ACP offers free webinars on immunization on Aug. 23, Sept. 12, Sept. 23

Upcoming webinars for National Immunization Awareness Month will cover resident education, immunization in HIV, and development of a vaccination program.

Learn about a guided program to ACP Fellowship in an Aug. 28 webinar

The three-year Guided Fellowship Program provides a framework for meeting professional development goals, along with guidance and mentorship, in order to obtain the FACP credential.

And the winner is …

ACP Internist Weekly has tallied the voting from its latest cartoon contest, where readers are invited to match wits against their peers to provide the most original and amusing caption.