ACP congratulates 2019 Innovation Challenge, Annals Story Slam winners
Both events were held in April at ACP's annual meeting.
Congratulations to ACP Innovation Challenge grand prize winner Jonathan Dau, MD, ACP Resident/Fellow Member, for his project “Prescriptions (Rx) for Produce: A Grassroots Medicine, Farm-to-ospital Initiative.” ACP awarded $20,000 to Dr. Dau, an internal medicine resident at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
ACP held its Innovation Challenge competition at Internal Medicine Meeting 2019 in Philadelphia in April. The theme for this year's competition was “Fostering Partnerships between Physicians and Patients.” Audience choice prizes of $5,000 each were presented to David J. Savage, MD, PhD, ACP Resident/Fellow Member, an internal medicine resident, for “A Tool for Seamless Transfer of the Electronic Medical Record” and Jesse Wang, MD/PhD candidate, ACP Medical Student Member, for “The Digital Scribe.”
Annals Story Slam , which celebrates the human side of medicine by providing an opportunity for participants to share brief stories about being a doctor with an audience, was also held at Internal Medicine Meeting 2019.
Horace M. DeLisser, MD, was voted the winner by the audience for his inspiring story “Doing This for 20 Years” about caring for a “dying” patient.