In the News
Commercial weight loss programs may offer advantages
Clinicians could consider referring overweight or obese patients to commercial weight loss programs, although some programs will require more study to confirm long-term effects, a review found.
Guideline updates recommendations to manage adult rhinosinusitis
A new guideline updated recommendations to improve diagnosis, testing, and treatment of adult acute rhinosinusitis.
MKSAP Quiz: evaluation for a dental cleaning procedure
This week's quiz asks readers to choose the most appropriate prophylactic regimen for a 46-year-old woman before a dental cleaning procedure involving deep scaling.
Corticosteroid injection before exercise may yield no additional benefit in knee osteoarthritis
Intra-articular corticosteroid injection administered before exercise therapy did not appear to yield additional clinical benefit in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, according to a new study.
Updated guidance issued on treatment of hypertension in patients with CAD
The American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, and American Society of Hypertension released updated guidance last week on treatment of hypertension in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD).
Payments to physicians open for review period
The Open Payments system is scheduled to open for review and dispute on April 6.
Annual Business Meeting to be held at Internal Medicine Meeting 2015
All members are encouraged to attend ACP's Annual Business Meeting to be held during Internal Medicine Meeting 2015. Current College Officers will retire from office, and incoming Officers and new Regents and Governors will be introduced.
Vote for your favorite entry
ACP Internist Weekly's cartoon caption contest continues. Readers can vote for their favorite caption to determine the winner.