ACP and Consumer Reports hold second annual patient empowerment expo
The second annual patient empowerment expo, co-sponsored by ACP and Consumer Reports Health, was held on Saturday, April 12, in Orlando, Fla.
The second annual patient empowerment expo, co-sponsored by ACP and Consumer Reports Health, was held on Saturday, April 12, in Orlando, Fla.
The expo, “Your Health: Fact, Not Fiction,” was a free event offered to area residents and was designed to help attendees learn how to be informed consumers of health care services and products. The expo featured physician speakers from both ACP and Consumer Reports, health screenings, and presentations on how to avoid the most common medication mistakes and which screening tests may be unnecessary.
John Whyte, MD, MPH, FACP, director of professional affairs and stakeholder engagement at the Food and Drug Administration, delivered the keynote speech, “High Value Care from the Patient's Perspective,” and a second presentation, “How to Live (and Want) to be 100!”
More about ACP's High Value Care initiative is online.