In the News

PCMH model may make its mark on high-risk patients

A patient-centered medical home (PCMH) pilot in Pennsylvania was found to significantly reduce costs for high-risk patients, according to a report finding very different results from an analysis published a month ago on the same pilot project.

New study examines incidence, potential reasons for primary medication nonadherence in primary care

Primary medication nonadherence is common in primary care and may be improved by lower costs to patients and increased follow-up, according to a new study.

MKSAP Quiz: 3-month history of left knee pain

A 76-year-old woman is evaluated for a 3-month history of left knee pain of moderate intensity that worsens with ambulation. She reports minimal pain at rest and no nocturnal pain. There are no clicking or locking symptoms. She has tried naproxen and ibuprofen but developed dyspepsia; acetaminophen provides mild to moderate relief. The patient has hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and chronic stable angina. Medications are lisinopril, metoprolol, simvastatin, low-dose aspirin, and nitroglycerin as needed. Following a physical exam, lab results and radiograph, what is the next best step in management?

New afib guideline covers novel anticoagulants, ablation

A new guideline for managing nonvalvular atrial fibrillation recommends using a more comprehensive risk calculator, diminishing aspirin's role, adding 3 new anticoagulants to treatment options, and increasing use of radiofrequency ablation.

CDC reports new data on hospital-acquired infections

The CDC released 2 different reports on hospital-acquired infection (HAI) rates in the U.S. last week.

Anxiolytic, hypnotic drugs may be associated with increased long-term mortality

Anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs may be associated with increased long-term mortality, according to a new study.

It's not too late to submit a Job Seeker's Profile to the ACP Job Placement Center

Looking for a job? ACP's Job Placement Center offers career opportunities during Internal Medicine 2014, to be held April 10-12 in Orlando, Fla.

The next issue of ACP Internist is online and coming to your mailbox

Stories are online for the April issue of ACP Internist, including new hypertension guidelines, maintaining men's health in middle age, and referrals to rehabilitation.

There's still time to participate in ACP and MGMA's online cost survey

ACP and Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) are working together to provide physicians an opportunity to participate in an exciting, new, and much shorter MGMA 2014 Cost Survey.

No cartoon caption contest this week

There will be no cartoon caption contest this week. The contest will resume with the regular editions of ACP InternistWeekly published after Internal Medicine 2014.