Correction to a previous issue
An item in last week's ACP InternistWeekly required correction.
An item in last week's ACP InternistWeekly required correction.
The recommended apixaban dosing to reduce risk for stroke or subsequent stroke in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation who are thought to require oral anticoagulants should have been as follows:
- apixaban, 5 mg twice daily (if serum creatinine <1.5 mg/dL) or 2.5 mg twice daily (in patients with a serum creatinine >1.5 and <2.5 mg/dL and body weight <60 kg or age ≥80 years or both).
In addition, the recommended dose of triflusal should have been 600 mg, not 500 mg. The errors have been corrected.