ABIM seeks input on physician knowledge and skill assessment approaches
The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) has convened a task force of experts within and outside the field of medicine to define what competencies physicians will need as the field continues to evolve and as a means to find the best ways to measure those competencies.
The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) has convened a task force of experts within and outside the field of medicine to define what competencies physicians will need as the field continues to evolve and as a means to find the best ways to measure those competencies.
ACP is being represented on the task force by Patrick Alguire, MD, FACP, senior vice president for medical education. The “Assessment 2020” Task Force will engage physicians, patients, assessment experts and other health care stakeholders in a conversation about assessment of the future and will help define what competencies physicians will need as the field of medicine continues to evolve and the best ways to measure those competencies.
For more information, visit the Task Force website. ABIM has also created the Assessment 2020 blog, which aims to engage the external community on a variety of topics in the area of assessment.
For information on ACP's resources to help earn points toward recertification, visit the College's website.