ACP Internist's latest edition is online and coming to your mailbox
The November/December edition of ACP Internist features stories about patients self-diagnosing by using “Dr. Google,” effective low back pain care, and physicians trying to protect their online reputations.
The November/December edition of ACP Internist features the following stories:

Patients increasingly checking ‘Dr. Google’. More than a third of patients have gone online to identify a medical condition, raising concerns about “cyberchondria “ and requiring physicians to adapt to help patients use these websites in productive ways.
Coping skills, counseling best for low back pain. Despite all the best evidence and guidelines, patients with low back pain are still spending time, effort and money on things that aren't helping them in the long run.
Doctors have an online presence, even if they don't know it yet. Patients are using physician rating websites to find their doctors and find out more about them. ACP Member Kevin Pho, MD, of, explains why doctors need a plan in place to make sure that accurate and positive information makes its way to the top of a search engine.
More stories, the latest Test Yourself with the MKSAP Quiz, and our latest opinion poll on whether physicians have had patients present them with online medical information are now online.