ACP resources available to help boost adult immunizations

With flu season approaching, now is the time for physicians to recommend flu shots to their patients and assess their vaccine needs.

With flu season approaching, now is the time for physicians to recommend flu shots to their patients and assess their vaccine needs.

ACP urges physicians and health care professionals to conduct an immunization review during medical visits to assess whether patients' immunizations are up to date and to educate patients on the benefits of immunization. Although many factors influence low rates of adult immunization in the U.S., research indicates that a physician's recommendation is a powerful motivator for adults to get vaccinated against serious diseases like influenza, tetanus, whooping cough, shingles, hepatitis A and B, and pneumococcal disease.

Several resources are available to help physicians and health care professionals ensure that patients receive the correct immunizations in accordance with the CDC's Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule. For resources and information, visit ACP's website.