ACP announces new Center for Patient Partnership in Healthcare

ACP has established a new Center for Patient Partnership in Healthcare (CPPH) to engage patients, families, and patient organizations in the design of patient-centered care delivery and development of educational material for patients.

ACP has established a new Center for Patient Partnership in Healthcare (CPPH) to engage patients, families, and patient organizations in the design of patient-centered care delivery and development of educational material for patients.

The center's new director, Wendy Nickel, MPH, will be responsible for recruiting staff for the new center and establishing and overseeing its portfolio of projects. The CPPH will be guided by an Advisory Board for Patient Partnership in Healthcare chaired by Phyllis Guze, MD, MACP, immediate past chair of ACP's Board of Regents. The Advisory Board will include two representatives from patient organizations, a nurse, a physician assistant, and several physicians.

More information about the center is online.