The next issue of ACP Internist is online
The next issue of ACP Internist is online and coming to your mailbox. June's issue wraps up coverage of Internal Medicine 2013.
The next issue of ACP Internist is online and coming to your mailbox. June's issue wraps up coverage of Internal Medicine 2013, and includes stories on the following:

How to start and stop bisphosphonates. A new online tool and a few simple rules can inform internists how to start bisphosphonates and when to consider a drug holiday at the request of another physician, a dentist or even the patient.
Don't be anxious about psychiatric diagnoses. Tips can help physicians with the screening and treatment of mental disorders seen in primary care, including somatoform, bipolar and anxiety disorders.
‘Party drugs' require hard work to spot and treat. Taking a history is important for identifying abuse of some drugs that aren't caught by screening tests but may still have serious consequences for users.
More stories, the MKSAP Quiz, and our newest acrostic puzzle, Crossed Words, are now online.